Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 17, 2009


Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:21 am

I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately, about many things and about nothing. I know, it’s cryptic and it’s also true. Some things I’ve thought of lately are about things happening in my life that I believe are leading me on a specific path towards something that I’ve been wanting to do for a while, and haven’t done yet. It’s as though these things are happening, in order to pave the way for that to happen. It’s interesting to see those things happen and yet I also find it fascinating as well.

Other things I’ve been thinking about is how ridiculous some people are, and how they get these thoughts and ideas in their head that truly make me think “are you kidding me?” I’d love to say that these same people surprise me, but sometimes you have to consider the source.

Before you think there’s some sort of drama brewing- know that there isn’t, at least not in my world. Unless you count the pending drama that could happen when Mister M and Baby JJ meet next week for the first time. 🙂

I love life, and I love the people in my life. I’ve been blessed with great family and friends. I’m going to spend more time nuturing the relationships that mean the most to me, and letting some go that have become toxic. It’s necessary at times.

My work has recentlly brought me down the path of doing alot of research for the best weight loss pills, plus other weight loss methods, diets and other programs. It has been fun, and educational, and leading me places I never thought I’d be. I happen to love what’s happening and can’t wait to see more as it unfolds.

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