Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 19, 2010

New Look

Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 11:46 am

Welllll I finally took the plunge and changed the look here- I like it, reminds me of Spring and even though it isn’t something I designed myself, I’m thankful to the person who did design it- whomever you may be.

Soo What do y’all think??

Lightbulb Moments

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 8:57 am

Yesterday I started reading this book called Women, Food and God and even though I’m only on chapter 2, I’ve really been able to see myself in so many of the points that have already been made.

I think about all the things I’ve learned, and about the precentages of the people who gain the weight back after losing significant amounts. I think about all the things that I’ve held back from because of my weight, or because I allowed my weight to be a crutch and a reason to doubt myself. It obviously wasn’t about the weight- but so much more. I’ve known that for a long time, but it’s interesting to see things from yet another perspective- and to see a lightbulb go off in my head.

I’ve got a lot to learn, but I am enjoying the journey- even on the days that I can’t run the marathon, but instead have to walk- the important thing is that you continue to move forward, regardless of the pace.

That forward movement isn’t until this date- or that date- it’s LIFE, and as long as I’m LIVING (REALLY LIVING) then I should be moving forward, even if it means taking baby steps, or sometimes taking one step forward after taking two back. Just move– stop living in the past– and live NOW!!

Hormones Shomones…

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life's Little Hiccups,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 8:50 am

Remember a while back that I mentioned buying some Clearasil Gel stuff in hopes of sorting out these break out issues that I’ve been having? Well, I have been using it regularly for a while now- to the point that I probably have 1/3 of the bottle left, and I’m still not seeing any great results. Sometimes my face looks great, only to break out a week later. I have to say that it definitely is not the best acne treatment for me. Granted, I don’t technically have acne, but I’m having breakouts and they are never welcome- but especially UNWELCOME when I have a party to attend- like the one this past weekend. Yes, you got it- I had two spots on my face. I felt like a kid who woke up on prom day only to look in the mirror and find a huge spot on their face. That was me- only it was Marcel’s 25th anniversary gala and not the prom. I think I made it through without it being too traumatic though. Hormones- gotta love em.

April 14, 2010

Allergy Woes

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 2:41 am

I put some makeup on yesterday for the first time in a while and headed out for the day. Unfortunately, I also forgot to take my allergy medication. When I got home, I got busy with something else and it was actually several hours later before I remembered to take my medication and several hours after that before I took off my makeup. When I did, it felt like I was rubbing sandpaper on my face.

I’ve had this little allergy issue before, so I know it will go away, but this morning, my face is puffy, itchy and red. It has been worse than it is now, but I have to say, it couldn’t have come at a worse time with Friday being the gala for Marcel’s 25 years at the company. I just hope some of the redness is gone by then, and if not, at least I can cover most of it with make up and I’ll have a ‘rosy’ glow.

I told Marcel this morning that it looks like I’m going to have to switch back to Clinque make up. I wore it years ago and it looks like my skin is getting more and more sensitive by the second. It’s definitely worth a try. Bet I don’t forget that allergy medication again.

April 13, 2010

( On Location) In the Sunshine

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 2:58 am

It looks like the grey skies have finally cleared and the forcast is showing nothing but sunny skies for the next week. After the dark, grey winter that we had, I can’t tell you how welcome the beautiful weather is.

I find myself wanting to do two things- spend all of my time outside in the sunshine and take a trip to destinations unknown.

The first, I’ll do today by taking my laptop outside and working there. I have to say, on days like today the laptop was my best investment ever!!

The second- the traveling part is still in the planning stages, but I definately see a weekend getaway coming up soon.

if you can, get out and enjoy the sunshine. it’s good for the soul, plus the Vitamin D does a body good.

April 12, 2010

Almost Finished

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 12:33 pm

Marcel and I have spent the last couple of days working on our new terrace design and it looks like it may be finished tomorrow. I’ll be gone in the morning, but he’s got plans to take care of a few things, and once they are done we can finally put out the new outdoor cushions, the candles and the other cute things I bought to complete the look. This weekend I found some adorable fabric that I have to wash, then hem so I can use them as table cloths. It’s going to be a wonderful space when it’s finished and I can’t wait.

April 11, 2010

Lazy Sunday’s

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:55 am

I guess today has been what most people would consider a lazy Sunday.  Thanks  to Marcel going out with the dog this morning, I was able to sleep later than I have in a long time, plus spend the morning relaxing and catching up on a few little things around here.    In addition, I have been able to get my Bible Study lesson done for this week’s Bible study that’s held on Tuesday (we’re studying Daniel and I’m loving it), plus catch up on several emails with friends.

The sun has decided to play hide-n-seek today and in spite of much searching, he’s been unwilling to come out and play.   Even though it’s a little chilly out there, I think I may actually get out of my PJ’s (yes, I’ve been in them all day) and go outside and sort through some of the things that need to be kept or ditched for our terrace project.    Everything is coming together nicely, and Marcel has been sweet enough to offer to do the ‘dirty work’ (cleaning) this week while I’m working.  

Once we have all that done, I’m going to be planting some new flowers, plus a few new herbs for the herb garden.   I noticed that the celery leaves and the mint are already starting to come up, so there won’t be a need to replant those.

Marcel will go to his mom’s for Sunday dinner, and since I no longer go to his moms because of my cigarette allergies, I’ll be staying home and enjoying the silence.  It truly is a beautiful day in the neighborhood.

April 10, 2010

Gratitude April 10, 2010

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 12:12 pm

I read something today that talked about how we should take more time each day to be grateful for the things in our lives. I am VERY blessed and grateful for everything, but I love taking the time to actually write down the things I’m grateful for and reflect on them as I do.

These little lists are just five random things in my day, but there is so much more.

My Gratitude List for April 10, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Teamwork.
  • Beautiful, sunny, yellow paint, that now adorns the walls of my terrace.
  • Trying new recipes that turn out great.
  • A good cup of coffee in my favorite mug.
  • Sunny days, blue skies and laughter.

Browsing WordPress Themes for A New Look

Filed under: Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:56 am

For a while now I’ve been thinking that I’d like to make some changes to this space but truth is, I haven’t had the time. I’m not sure if it’s because spring has rolled in or exactly what, but I’m thinking about a new look and the photo above is a snippit of the look I’m thinking of changing to. I’ve been browsing wordpress themes and that’s the one I love the most so far. I’m still unsure which I’ll choose, so you’ll have to stop back in and see. It’s definitely time for something new.

Taking Off the Rose Colored Glasses

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life — gardener @ 3:45 am

Most people who know me know how much I love quotations. Sometimes, they offer the perfect food for thought, and sometimes they really serve to teach us something not only about ourselves, but also about others.

About a month ago, someone I consider a friend contacted me about a quote that I used on Facebook. She shared some personal things with me (which I won’t discuss here or anywhere else) and how that quote resonated with her. After that we talked a bit more and I shared one of my all-time favorites with her:

“When people show you who they are, believe them.” -Maya Angelou

That is a quote that I have had to remember on more than one occasion. I believe the thing with us is that we tend to want to make ‘excuses’ as to why people behave and react the way they do in certain situations. Maybe it’s because we want to think the best of that person or maybe it’s because we would prefer to wear rose colored glasses and see the person how we would like them to be, or how we thought they were.

The thing is- when we continue to make excuse after excuse for a person, the only person we are fooling is ourselves. When someone shows us who they are, time and time again, but yet we refuse to see it, what are we telling ourselves, and better yet, what are we telling that person about us?

I’m all about forgiveness, and this definitely isn’t about whether you should or shouldn’t forgive a person. I believe you can forgive a person without having to hang out with them or even interact with them. There is a difference between forgiveness and accepting bad behaviour.

At the beginning of this year, I made a promise to myself that I would definitely pay attention when people show me who they are and stop making excuses for them. Being a friend to someone is a privilege and not a ‘right’. I promised myself that in an effort to live a better life that I would slowly eliminate those toxic people out of my life and that I’d stop making excuses for them when they exhibit bad behaviour.

None of us are perfect. Lord knows I”m not. I make enough mistakes and I know it. I’m not talking about mistakes- I’m talking about a pattern of behaviour in a ‘so called’ friendship or relationship that continues to rear it’s head. At a certain point- you either learn that “the person is showing you WHO THEY ARE” or you continue to live in denial. At that point, you also decide if you will continue to be drained from that relationship or if you will finally “BELIEVE” who that person is, and move on.

That choice is never an easy one, but sometimes it’s time to take off those rose colored classes and move on.

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