Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 7, 2010

So Much to Say- So Little Time

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 11:34 am

I really have so much that I’d like to talk about but at the moment it seems that I have so many irons in the proverbial fire that I haven’t been able to collect my thoughts to write about everything I’d like to write about. I keep saying I’m going to sit down, clear my head and just start tapping out my thoughts, but it seems like there is one thing or another that comes up preventing me from doing so.

Right now, I have a headache that I can’t seem to get rid of, in spite of downing several Advil and a huge glass of water. Maybe my afternoon cup of coffee will help. Let’s hope.

I Thought I Saw

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Life's Little Hiccups,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 11:32 am

A few days ago I was looking in the mirror and I thought I saw a wrinkle! Yes, yes, I know how terribly vain of me not to want wrinkles, but I figure at the young age of 42, I really shouldn’t be getting them, especially since I don’t spend much time out in the sunshine and I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle.

Upon closer inspection I guess you could say it was more of a forehead wrinkle that we all get, but I still couldn’t help thinking about wrinkle cream reviews and wondering if there are any out there that would be beneficial, provided I should need them in the near future. Mom is 20 years older than I without a wrinkle in sight, so I’m hoping that I’ll take after her and not need them for a long time to come. I’d like to be prepared though, just in case.

The Price of Beauty

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:27 am

Earlier this week I spent some time laying (yes laying) in the middle of the tulips. While at the time it seemed like a great idea, I can’t say that after the fact that it was really one of my most brilliant moves because I’ve been having major allergy issues ever since. I think if someone used a Symbol LS2208 to scan my head, they’d find that there were little masses of pollen swimming around irritating my sinus cavities and driving me bonkers.

If I had it to do over again would I do it? Absolutely- after all, beauty sometimes comes with a price, but this one was worth it.

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