Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 7, 2010

30 Days- Day 7

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 4:38 am

Today’s quest for honesty is a little challenging for me.  Not to be honest- but to actually quantify something that is so much more than a label. 

BUT, I accepted this challenge, so I’m going to do my best.

Day 7- Describe your best friend in great detail.

As I mentioned above, this is difficult for me on many levels.  The main reason being because it says ‘friend’ and not friends, assuming that a person can only have one true best friend.   I find that to be inaccurate in my case.   I have several people that I would consider amongst my best friends.   Some of those people I see quite regularly, and some I don’t see often at all.    My mom is one of those people, but that is a given.   She’s been a constant in my life from the day I was born and always offered her love, support and opinion, even if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear.  

There are others- and I’m sure they know who they are without being named.   I love all of my friends and cherish each and every one of them.  Some of us have a better connection than others, and some friendships are different than others, but each one bring something special and unique to the table that only they can.

I’d say that if I had to choose a single person that is my best friend- it would be Samantha.   We were best friends when we were teenagers and lost contact after having a stupid fight (which was my fault) right before her wedding.  We lost touch for almost 18 years and then in 2006 she sent me a message on MySpace.   I knew it had to be her when I saw the MySpace email that said I had a message from Samantha and before I ever opened it, I cried.

We started talking and truth is- we haven’t stopped.   She has twin girls who graduated in the top of their class and are now headed off in less than a week to college-  both received scholarships.   She has a great husband named Tommy, and a doggie named Dixie that I adore.   Samantha and I grew up with very similar backgrounds.  We went to the same church and we think a lot alike.  

In fact, even though our lives are very different, they are still parallel in many ways.   We love many of the same things and I know that I can tell her everything and even if she doesn’t get it, she’ll still be there for me.   I admire her as a mother, a professional and as the beautiful person that she is.   

When we got together in 2006 for the first time after so many years- I wondered if it would be odd or even awkward, but it was as though those 18 years had never passed and we never skipped a beat picking up where we left off.   She’s a tower of strength and has taught her girls to be self-confident and to always strive to be the best that they can be.    I see her in both Ainsley and Olivia and I love them both dearly.      I could say so much-  but mostly, I am happy that she took the initiative to message me that day.    I know for sure that as long as we both shall live that we’ll never lose contact like that again, and I’m very grateful.

30 Days – Day 6

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 4:00 am

Today’s (actually yesterday’s, since I’m a day late with this one) 30 days of honesty was another one that was easy, peasy for me.  It was one where we are supposed to describe our day and  that’s something that most of us can do without much thought.    It’s actually late because I got busy and decided that it could wait until this morning, so for those of you who were sitting on pins and needles to hear about day 6, my apologies.

Day 6-  Describe your day in great detail.

I don’t think I’ll  bore you with a complete blow-by-blow of my day, but I’ll hit the highlights.    I was up at 4:45 to get Marcel off to work for his last morning shift, but since I’m not a morning person and I don’t think anyone should be up at that time of the day, I went back to bed.

I ended up getting out of bed around 8:30 and I had a bath while my steel-cut oats were cooking and the coffee was brewing.    Dried my hair, had breakfast and then went for a long walk with JJ before heading out the door to the train station.

There, I helped two tourists figure out how to get to their destination since the train they thought they needed wasn’t the one they needed.   From there, I hopped my own train for a whole 4 minutes to the next town so I could visit my dear friend Bobbi.  She invited me for lunch and a visit since we hadn’t seen each other in a while (because she’s been traveling).      Since that also meant I hadn’t seen her darling son in a while, it also meant I could spend some time with him.  Unfortunately, since he’s a little guy, he’d forgotten Auntie La-La and he started to cry (real tears) when I tried to hold him.    (He later warmed up to me again and remembered why he loves me so much- because I’m so goofy.)

Marcel picked me up from B0bbi’s and we made a quick dash to the store.  He napped and I took care of some things around the house- such as dinner.   We initially thought we’d go to the beach, but in the end, we decided that we’d like to go to Starbucks and that’s exactly what we did.   25 minutes later we arrived- drank our coffee’s and headed back home. 

We took JJ out for a long walk and some play time and ended the day with a movie, where I fell asleep on the couch before half of it was over.  

Like every day- it was a great one!

Fast Forward to Christmas- Almost

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 3:39 am

Things have been pretty busy around here the last couple of days and on top of everything else, I’ve started thinking about Christmas. Marcel and I will be home with the family this year for the holidays, and while I am scaling back in some areas, I’m not in others. Since our time home will be quite long, I want to have ideas for most of the gifts I want to buy ahead of time so that I can enjoy the time with family and friends without any other holiday pressures (aside from parties and get togethers with people I love). I’ve actually been thinking about a cute personalized gift for a few people and have several ideas. That’s all I’m going to say, since obviously some of them read this space and I don’t want them to know about their potential gift before Christmas rolls around.

I have SO many changes in the works right now- so expect to see more from me in the near future, along with a few surprises.

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