Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 28, 2010

Should Have Known

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 11:28 am

The past couple of days my hormones have been on a major rampage and wouldn’t you know it- yesterday ‘that time’ showed up and at least I understood why I’ve been so much more emotional than usual. I know- for any guy who may be reading this, you really don’t want to know about girly things, but you can always choose to skip this entry. I’ve known that I’m going through peri-menapause for a while, but the hormones (or lack thereof) get uglier every month. I know it sounds crazy, but I honestly feel like Jeckyll and Hyde at some points.

Along with this has come some pretty nasty cramps to the point of me taking Tylenol with Codeine to get relief. I have to do it every month and all I can say is Thank the Lord for it otherwise I’d probably be driven to drink haha. Marcel literally laughed out loud today when I looked at him and told him that I thought I’d be having my period Thanksgiving night and how with cramps like these it would hinder my ‘Midnight Madness’ shopping spree at the outlet. I know, stop shaking your head- I seriously love that Midnight Madness shopping THAT much that I don’t want anything to get in my way.

Shopping Distractions

Filed under: Seasons,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 11:22 am

I don’t know how it happens but it seems like when I start out attempting to do a little Christmas shopping, I tend to get distracted by things that I love. My idea was to spend a little time after I finished working earlier to look for something in particular which will go unnamed here because I don’t want any Christmas gift ideas ruined by someone in the family who may happen to read the entry. Anyway- I was planning to look at one thing and I ended up looking at some amazing matouk linens that I was thinking would make a good Christmas present for our bed. Somehow I don’t think Marcel would agree with me, since his idea of a great Christmas gift isn’t 600 thread count Egyptian cotton, not that I’ve ever heard him complain about the ones we have on the bed right now. Speaking of which- it’s about time I switch to flannel since the temps are demanding it.

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