Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 8, 2010

Safety First?

Filed under: Techy — gardener @ 7:15 am

I have been seeing a lot in the news lately as to how parents are taking extra precautions when it comes to their children. It seems like everywhere you look in the world ther is some child who is being abducted or who has disappared and some parents have started using tracking devices as a manner of knowing where their child is at all times.

Some people believe this is going too far, but I personally think that when it comes to the safety of your child that you can never be cautious enough. So tell me what you think? Would you use a GPS device to help keep up with your child, if it meant keeping them safe?

Life Lessons

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 5:00 am

I’ve been in the midst of some pretty tumultuous waters lately and I have to say that it has had me feeling pretty much on edge constantly. What I realized after about a week and a half is that I had become so overwhelmed with everything that was happening and the negativity of others that all I could seem to focus on was the turmoil. I knew there were good things in my life simply because I know I am blessed, but at that particular point, it took a lot to see them.

Why? Because my focus was on the wrong thing.

The waters have since calmed a bit. I suspect that the tide will always be high, the rip-current ready to drag me under, but the only difference is that now I’m prepared. I learned a valuable lesson and I will carry it within my heart and remind myself of what I’ve learned time and time again.

1- Someone elses reality isn’t necessarily my own.

2- Focus on the positive, and let the rest go.

I will definitely need to remind myself of this time and time again- but awareness is everything.

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