Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 8, 2010

Life Lessons

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 5:00 am

I’ve been in the midst of some pretty tumultuous waters lately and I have to say that it has had me feeling pretty much on edge constantly. What I realized after about a week and a half is that I had become so overwhelmed with everything that was happening and the negativity of others that all I could seem to focus on was the turmoil. I knew there were good things in my life simply because I know I am blessed, but at that particular point, it took a lot to see them.

Why? Because my focus was on the wrong thing.

The waters have since calmed a bit. I suspect that the tide will always be high, the rip-current ready to drag me under, but the only difference is that now I’m prepared. I learned a valuable lesson and I will carry it within my heart and remind myself of what I’ve learned time and time again.

1- Someone elses reality isn’t necessarily my own.

2- Focus on the positive, and let the rest go.

I will definitely need to remind myself of this time and time again- but awareness is everything.

1 Comment

  1. Awareness and determining what is yours and what is anothers can be a fine line

    Comment by Maggie — October 8, 2010 @ 1:38 pm

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