Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 10, 2010

Craving Silence

Filed under: Food for Thought,Home,Life,Travel — gardener @ 8:37 am

As I sit here and type this entry- I’m actually enjoying the fact that it’s silent in the house.  Marcel and the 4-legged members of the family are sleeping, allowing me a few moments of silent bliss.   I’ve always been one to appreciate a quiet moment, but yet it seems that lately, I’m craving those moments.  I’m not sure if it’s because they aren’t coming often enough, or if that I’ve had so much rumbling around in the grey matter that the silence allows me time with my thoughts to process and work through things that otherwise would be hanging in the blance.

I’m really excited about our trip, but we haven’t even boarded the plane and already our first week is completely booked.  Solid.  From Wednesday morning through Sunday, we have something going on each day.   I’m grateful- but I also know that I need to spend some time alone with my thoughts, preferably while lying in the middle of mom and dad’s field, surrounded by a plethora of cats.  I want to watch the clouds roll by and process this year- something that up until now I haven’t been able to do.  

6 day’s and we’ll be on our way.   I’m ready and can’t wait to see and spend time with everyone who wants to spend part of their holidays with us.

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