Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 1, 2010

Let the Fun Begin

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love,Travel — gardener @ 2:36 pm

Desere is in Atlanta waiting for her flight to Mobile (or I assume she is- since I haven’t talked to her) and I’ve been getting a few things done around here in anticipation of her arrival.

She’ll be here 10 days, but our time will be spent constantly on the go- so it’s safe to say that this definitely will not be a vacation of rest for her. In fact, it’s one of those trips where you’ll probably have to go home and get some rest to recover from the vacation that you just took.

Tomorrow we’re headed out to New Orleans. Friday, she and I plan to spend the entire day out shopping between the outlets and Malbis and then Saturday is our cruise. We get back on Thursday- and she leaves again on Friday. I’m looking forward to taking plenty of pictures and having many adventures to share- including our swim with the dolphins.

I miss reading blogs- but I just haven’t had the time. Maybe after she leaves and heads back home- I’ll have a little more time.

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