Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 19, 2010

Sunshine on My Shoulders

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 2:35 pm

I was sitting in church this morning and it really hit me just how blessed I really am. Don’t get me wrong- I don’t feel as though I take all the great things in my life for granted, but I believe that in all that has happened this year, I had really started focusing more on what wasn’t good instead of spending time being grateful for all that was.

Pastor Jenkins commented before prayer this morning about how difficult it is this time of the year for so many people and that suicide rates are higher this time of the year than any other. He talked about how some people don’t have a roof over their heads, heat in their homes, or food on the table. I’ve never had to experience any of those things- and that was the moment that it hit me that when I’m feeling down that I really should focus on what great things are happening in my life.

My blessings are many and I’m so grateful.

Right now I’m going to head out and enjoy the rest of the sunshine that we’ve been given today- plus spend some time with Blackjack (the cat) and MK (the other cat). They’re waiting.

Conversation Evolution

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 2:20 pm

I had a great time last night with friends and at some point someone made a comment about Marcel smoking and how I deal with the smoke smell. Somehow that led to a conversation of how Marcel needs a smoking jacket, and from there it evolved into a conversation about humidors for cigars and where you can find them online. As far as Marcel- I think we should forget the smoking jacket and he should quit all together. My allergies would be thankful.

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