Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 4, 2011

Would You Like a Little Cheese with that Whine?

Filed under: Pets — gardener @ 11:52 am

As some of you know- my four-legged little canine has been sick with bronchitis and I’ll be the first to admit that when he was feeling  bad in the beginning- I was cooking him eggs and mixing them with his food because I thought it would go down easier and keep him from coughing as much.    I see now that was a HUGE mistake- because now said little canine, otherwise known as JJ doesn’t want to eat his food unless there is something mixed in with it.    Several days ago he went a day and a half without eating- now today- he’s eaten nothing, all while begging for food when I had dinner-   I didn’t indulge him and I know when he gets hungry- he’ll eat.

What I don’t understand- is what happened to my perfectly behaved little pup.   I’m not sure if it’s the medication or what- but if either Marcel or myself leave the house- he whimpers for what seems like FOREVER.   If he’s sleeping and I so much as move a muscle- he jumps up and starts whining-   He acts fine- and is full of energy, only he’s whining and I have no idea why.    One thing I do know- is that it’s driving me BONKERS!    Calgon take me away!

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