Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 21, 2013


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:26 am

As this trip is coming to an end- I’m feeling so full of gratitude for the beautiful people and experiences of this trip. Marcel and I spent a lot of time with my parents and I’m so grateful to be able to do that.. to have them both home and in good health. I don’t take that for granted as I know that life is so precious and short that we need to grasp those moments when we can.

I also feel so grateful for listening to myself- I’ve really been trying to do things because I want to do them and not because I feel as though I need to out of guilt or other peoples’ expectations. I’m grateful for that transition and how it makes me feel.. it’s a huge stress reliever.

I have so much to say and share about our trip- and so many wonderful moments that I’m grateful for- but it looks like some last minute company is popping in- so time for me to dash.


Filed under: Food,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 11:21 am

Over the holiday season and throughout our vacation- I’ve done a lot of cooking for a lot of people and also bought some new treats that I haven’t seen before. I love discovering new products and was thrilled when I came across chimes ginger chews, not only for myself (because I’m a huge ginger fan) but also for mom and diddy, since I know how much they love ginger as well. I’ve got that on the list for the next ‘gift’ for them and I can’t wait to surprise them. I love little surprise gifties.

Home in Two Places

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 11:14 am

I spent the day in the company of friends and family yesterday- as I have much every day the past couple of weeks. It makes me smile- and warms my heart beyond words at how much love I feel from the people in my life. I know that when I leave here I’m leaving one home- but I’m going back to another, where I’ll be greeted with open arms and again, much love and acceptance.

Is it hard to leave? Yes and no. Bittersweet is the best way I can describe it. I’ve so missed our home, our family and friends at home and of course, the fabulous JJ and Mister M. I can’t wait to get settled back in to work and life at home, but I’m going to miss this one.

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