Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 28, 2013

Taking Care of Me

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home — gardener @ 11:32 am

Now that the hustle and bustle of getting everything done after being gone for two months- Marcel has started back to work and I’m taking a little time to just think about myself and relax.

After lots of indulgence during our holiday- it’s also time to get back into a healthy eating pattern and regular exercise regime. I’m taking one thing at a time- but the getting back into the healthier eating started yesterday.. It’s going to be a process, but I’ll get there. I’m determined for this to be a year of stepping out of allowing any type of fear to control my life- so I can live an unlimited life. That’s going to open doors in every aspect of my life- and I’m excited about it.

In the meantime- I’m still focusing on the positive around me- and even though I’m on a little break from a lot of technical aspects of life- I’m trying to keep up with blogging and start spending more time within my own thoughts and putting them out there.

So today’s bits of gratitude are as follows:

  1. The joy that playing ball with JJ brings me.
  2. Marcel going to the grocery store for me today since I was struggling with a migraine.
  3. Having nothing pressing-which is allowing me to concentrate on my own rest and getting back into the swing of things.
  4. Real friendships.
  5. Warmer temps after a week of below freezing weather.

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