Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

March 20, 2010

It All Begins At 40

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 1:40 am

I remember when I turned 40, mom made the comment that I really should get my eyes checked, because that’s when she started noiticing a change in her vision. I remember laughing about it, thinking that a particular age shouldn’t make that kind of difference, but then someone else said the exact same thing to me. “It all starts happening at 40”, they say. Now I can see that some things in my body would start to change, but some people tend to think that life starts going downhill from 40, and I was determined that it wouldn’t be the case.

I did notice not terribly long after I turned 40 that I was having to squint my eyes sometimes when I was reading, and mom mentioned that maybe I needed reading glasses. I wasn’t against the idea, but the odd thing is, I tend to only squint my eyes when I’m having sinus issues. I know, this may sound crazy, but it’s true. When my sinuses are bothering me, I tend to notice that things are sometimes blurry, so I have to squint. When they aren’t bothering me, it’s business as usual, or at least that’s how it seems. I’ve wondered if the sinus buildup somehow puts pressure on the ocular nerve, but I haven’t wondered enough to actually ask the doctor.

Oh and as far as everything else going ‘downhill’ at 40, aside from the hormonal things that I feel from the perimenapause, I feel better than I’ve ever felt in my life.

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