Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 30, 2010

Gimme Gimme

Filed under: Food for Thought — gardener @ 11:12 am

This morning I was watching something on television and the comment was made that the person shouldn’t give their power away to another person and allow that person to dictate their life and how they feel. I had one of those lightbulb moments and I decided right then and there that even though I’ve been going through a lot lately and struggling- that doesn’t mean that I have to give my power away to anyone. I decided to take it back and I’m implementing the steps to do exactly that!


  1. That is fantastic. A good reminder also. Noone can take that unless we let them. Interesting concept. Usually the people who have taken and held our power with our collusion get the shock of their lives when we change our behaviour. One more caution, do not get angry at yourself for allowing it to happen. Take a big deep breath, look at what you are gaining and move forward. Grateful your eyes and mind are open. Maggs

    Comment by maggie — September 30, 2010 @ 2:27 pm

  2. Isn’t it though Maggie? It’s something that I recently did and mostly because it was due to the fact that I just had too many other things going on to deal with something else.

    I’m not angry at myself, thankfully. I understand why it happened and how, but hope to make sure it never happens again. *hugs*

    Comment by gardener — October 1, 2010 @ 8:49 am

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