Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 24, 2010

Reflections Of..

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 1:01 pm

I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting over the past couple of days about this past year and all that has happened. I’ve realized many things, but probably one of the most profound things I realized is that some of the people in my life have really had a negative impact on my perspective of things. I don’t blame them, becuase ultimately I’m responsible for my choice and my reactions to things, but I’ve had to take a step back and evaluate those relationships that are one sided and draining to be in. Sadly, I have several and I’ve decided that I’m going to have to let those relationships go. Marcel has done the same and as difficult as it is in some aspects, in others it’s a weight lifted.

I’ve realized that as Marcel and I have started living our lives for ourselves and not being “YES” people all the time that people think we have changed and it has ruffled quite a few feathers. It isn’t so much that Marcel and I have changed- it’s that we have both started saying NO when we want to, even if it isn’t the most popular answer. What we’ve found is that those who get their feathers ruffled and create drama around those responses are those who don’t like the fact that we don’t do everything that “THEY” want us to do, or what they think we SHOULD be doing. It hasn’t been without it’s own set of problems, but those problems aren’t ours they are problems that lie within others. Of course, if you’d ask those same people- they would tell you it’s our fault, because ‘owning’ anything is beyond their realm of comprehension. But that’s another journal entry in itself.

I’m far from perfect and have made my share of mistakes this year. I’ve owned them all and I’m not too proud to apologize when I need to. I’ve had to do it on several occasions. One thing I will never apologize for is being myself. I am who I am- take it or leave it.


  1. Let me add my cheers to these positive and forward looking and living steps. WOW!!! It takes courage to truly authentically speak your mind. Those who love you will support your choices anyway without needing explanations ( or they will cheer from the bleachers – like I am. ) Noone should write scripts for your life – except you two. Maggs

    Comment by Maggie — December 26, 2010 @ 2:39 am

  2. Thank you Maggie- I have SO many thoughts running through my head these days, some struggles about going back home- when I really want more than ever for us to move here.

    You are right about no one writing scripts for our lives- and they aren’t. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I hope to catch up with you sometime soon.

    Comment by gardener — December 26, 2010 @ 7:10 pm

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