Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 2, 2011

New Year- New Possibilities

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays — gardener @ 1:19 pm

It’s hard to believe that we are already on day two of the new year. Being home has been amazing, but it has also meant that I’ve done some serious indulging during the holidays. My clothes still fit, but they do feel a little snug and I was determined to kick off the New Year by making better choices. I’m not beating myself up for the over-indulence, but it’s also time to cut out some of the sugar-laden goodies that I’ve been eating on a regular basis.

Someone commented that I should wait until we get home to start eating healthy again, but I say no to that idea. Our last couple of weeks will include lots of eating out, but instead of ordering ‘whatever’ on the menu, I’m going to be more conscious about ordering healthy items. By the time we get home, I should be pretty much detoxed from the sugar and back to healthy eating, so it will make the transition much easier. I’ll also start adding some exercise, so that once we get home, the elliptical will be ready for use.

I have several goals for this year and one is to become healthier (and lighter). I also have intentions to work more on projects that are swirling around in my mind, to continue (started before the end of the year) to keep the negative and drama prone people either out of my life or at arms length and to continue to work on becoming a better me. There are more (some related to my creativity) and I’ll share more as time permits. Right now the water I put on the stove is boiling and it’s time for a cup of green tea.

What are your goals for 2011?

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