Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 19, 2011

Living Colorfully

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:20 am

Last weekend when we went to dinner with Hein and Desere for an early Valentine’s Day, belated anniversary dinner, I wore heels and red socks with my outfit. I had on black pants, a charcoal grey sweater with black shoes. My handbag, socks and scarf were crimson. Oh, and let’s not forget my lipstick- which was also crimson.

I have noticed that socks with heels are the big thing right now, and I figured I could either wear black socks and let them blend with the shoes and pants or I could be ‘bold’ and colorful and wear red. I chose to be bold and colorful and loved every second of it.

A few days ago I was browsing the Kate Spade website and I came across some adorable socks from their Spring collection. I want every pair and in fact, I may order them very soon. Ironically- their motto right now is ‘Live Colorfully’ and I think that suits me perfectly.

1 Comment

  1. I think “tlive colourfully” is an apt description for and about you, too.

    Comment by Maggie — February 19, 2011 @ 5:50 pm

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