Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 24, 2011


Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 8:45 am

I’ve been trying to be somewhat more mindful of what I eat and how much I eat so that I can start shedding the rest of these pounds that I’ve been wrestling with for the past couple of years.    I know that my body is changing- that’s what the body does when it starts going through perimenopause and that coupled with this unsatiable sweet tooth that I seem to have is a combination for disaster if I don’t stay on my toes.

So- as I type this- I have boneless skinless chicken breast baking in the oven, some broccoli on the stove ready to steam and a few potatoes ready to be cooked.   I may have a few potatoes, but the bulk of my dinner is going to be broccoli and chicken.   

I will be the first to admit that lately I have been less than mindful about what I eat.  I do ok for a while, but my biggest problem is evening snacking-  It’s something I’ve struggled with for years- and something I may always struggle with if I don’t remain conscious in every choice that I make.

I have found that eating well and exercise are what I consider to be safe diet pills without actually having a pill formula. One thing is for sure- getting off track and out of the habit makes it very hard to start again. I’m getting there though- one baby step at a time.

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