Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 17, 2009


Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:25 am

Even though I’ve been eating well for the most part, I’ve noticed that I’ve started making more exceptions than I should have with certain foods, and I’ve also been a little more lax with my work outs. The results have been an extremely slow downward movement on the scales, and the past few weeks, no movement at all.

I want to reach my goal this year, and my choices aren’t working to help me get to that point- so I’m recommitting myself to my program and to the process. Personally, I believe that we have to do that from time to time- remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing, and check ourselves for lack of better terminology.

I know that statistically 90% of people who lose weight gain it back and then some on the long term, and since I like to be part of the minorty instead of the majority, I plan to fall in the 10% that DOESN’T gain the weight back, which is going to mean understanding this way of life and keeping myself in check.

If you’d like to join me on this continued journey of a new lifestyle, please feel free. The more the merrier, and we can only benefit- each and every one of us.

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