Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 17, 2012

Sounds of Silence

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 7:22 am

Do you remember that song from the 70’s- the Sounds of Silence? That is the theme song for my day today. Marcel is working until ten this evening, which has afforded me the opportunity to get some things done around here- plus it has also afforded me some quiet time with none other than me, myself and I, something I definitely needed.

I was thinking the other day about how I stay ‘so’ plugged-in all the time that it is no wonder that my mind is constantly spinning- sometimes as though it’s out of control. I don’t really know how to explain it other than to say that my head always seems ‘full’ of some thought, idea or ‘thing’- but it’s a sure sign that I need to unplug totally for a couple of days and empty the thoughts- enjoying the silence.

I’ve been reading a lot about planning and goal making- and the importance of being able to visualize instead of just having things floating around in your head. (I tend to do this) So, I’m making a bigger effort to schedule everything and I do mean everything. It’s going to be a hard one for me, but I know it’s necessary, as the scheduling in my mind isn’t working as well as I’d like- because it’s too easy to get distracted and off the path.

Since I know that when something isn’t working exactly as we would like- we have the power to change it- I’m going to do just that! I really like being a ‘go with the flow’ kind of girl- but I’m realizing that it just can’t work in all aspects of life. That’s what life is about though- living and learning. I’m always finding something new to learn- and this is another good lesson to apply to my life.

What good life lessons have you learned lately?

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