Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 24, 2013

Fall Beauty

Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 10:47 am

beautifulYesterday was one of those days when the weather couldn’t be better.  It was cool out-   and the skies were a gorgeous shade of blue, that I only notice this time of the year.    Rarely can I come close to capturing it in an image, but yesterday I came pretty close.

The sunset that followed this photo was as magnificent as this particular shot.    The blues became gorgeous shades of yellow, orange,  red and even purple.  It was breathtaking to say the least.

Many people dispise this time of the year, because it means cold weather is coming and the ‘death’ of summer, but I see it so much differently.  I see it as a resting period-  a time to rejuvinate, to pause and reflect.  Fall is one of the seasons where I find myself the most energized, in spite of the shorter days.

It could be days like this year round and I would be thrilled, but instead, I’ll be grateful for the ones we have, as I know it makes me appreciate the beauty of them even more.

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