Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 19, 2010

8 Days to Go

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:44 am

Is it Tuesday already? I can’t believe that in a little over a week February is upon us, and that means one month down until we make our trip home for the holidays. Yes, I know, it’s January and I’m already talking about the holidays, but I’m so excited about our upcoming trip and can’t wait to see everyone.

I’m expecting great things this year, so there is much to take place between now and our little jaunt to visit with family and friends. I’m really excited at all the potential, and one of them is finally getting this last 40 pounds off. I may decide later that I’d like for it to be a little more than 40, but right now, 40 is the goal.

I have been doing really well with my sugar detox and officially have 8 more days until it is over. I have to say that without the sugar making me sluggish and lethargic, I find that I have much more energy and actually think with a clear head. Another great thing is that I’m not constantly craving sugar and the need to drug myself with something sweet.

Once the detox is over, I’m going to limit my intake of Coke Zero and only use Splenda with my oatmeal in the mornings. I really want to keep this going, not to mention if I don’t crave sweets, I’m not likely to binge on them. Sugar is one of those things I really should avoid. After all, it doesn’t really serve a purpose anyway.

What about you? How are you doing on your journey to better health and weight loss?

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