Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

August 4, 2011

Home Improvements

Filed under: Home,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 5:26 am

In the midst of everything that has been happening in our household- I’ve been thinking about new applicances that I’ll need to make things here much easier when the business gets up and running. I have been thinking about a new oven- a larger one, of course, not to mention some extra counter space. One thing I’ve learned is that before buying anything online to check for coupons first. So I know that if I want to order paint, I need to look for Lowe’s coupons before I do. After all- there’s no way I want to pay more if I don’t have to.

July 31, 2011

New Beginnings

Filed under: Gratitude,Home,Life — gardener @ 9:16 am

It’s the last day of my birthday month and I’ve spent most of the day so far in total relaxation. I think I’ve needed the time to just do ‘nothing’ (although nothing did consist of me doing some cleaning in the kitchen and several loads of laundry) since July has been such a busy month.

I’ve celebrated all month, had some great moments with friends, but now it’s time to return to reality. That means new chapters and beginnings, plus getting back to a regular exercise and eating routine. I’ve been lax for far too long and it’s time to ‘get with the program’.

There is much to look forward to in August- but right now I still have a little time left in today- so I’d like to share a few things that I’m grateful for- on this last day of July.

I’m Grateful For:

  • A day of quiet and solitude, allowing me to gather my thoughts and ideas for the coming weeks.
  • Leftover shrimp and seaweed salad- which will be part of my dinner tonight.
  • Looking around at those I truly call friends and knowing just how blessed Iam.
  • Those who offer me love, support and truth- and knowing that I can always count on that.
  • Simple things- JJ barking at a watermelon and trying to play with it-   Mister M. purring at me in the mornings and wanting to be petted.

Precious Moments

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Life,Travel — gardener @ 8:20 am

The end of my birthday month- It’s hard to believe a month of celebrating has come and gone. Now there are other things to plan- such as vacations with my mom and dad and birthday’s of people I love and adore. Before I know it- Christmas will be come and gone and I have a dear friend who will be looking at first birthday invitations for her little girl who will turn one early next year. It seems that time flies- in the blink of an eye. I often wonder where it all goes, which is why I think it is important to make the most of every, single moment. After all they are each and every one precious.

July 28, 2011

Flowers- Pretty Flowers

Filed under: Home,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:43 am

Since I’m having a little party this weekend- I thought I’d go out today and pick up some flowers to brighten things up in here a little. I had a gift card from one of the local florists that Desere gave me back in February, so I thought this would be the perfect time to use it.

I stopped in and found two huge bouquets of sunflowers, plus two boquets of multi-colored roses that I loved, so I bought them all. I came home and got them in their prospective vases and couldn’t help but smile- it looks like a color explosion in here- and that just screams happiness.


Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 9:40 am

This afternoon when I checked the mail, I groaned when I saw a familiar envelope that meant my credit card bill had arrived. Sure enough- when I opened it- it was somewhat very close to what I thought it would be. I also have it set up to automatically take the entire amount out of my checking account at the beginning of the month- so needless to say it’s going to hurt when it’s withdrawn. The good thing is- that if worse comes to worse and I do need some extra cash- I can always get a payday advance loan to tide us over until the following pay check. I’m pretty sure that we’ll be fine- but just in case- it’s nice knowing that option is there.

July 25, 2011

Searching for Motivation

Filed under: Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 9:58 am

I’ve spent the last few days feeling a little run down and somewhat moody. Marcel is convinced that I have got too many ‘irons in the fire’ so-to-speak and that I really just need some down time. I’ve had that for the past two days but rather than really unwinding I’ve been thinking about other things that need to get done and other projects on the burner.

The result- a very unmotivated me. I’m hoping after a few more days or rest that my body and mind will be ready to take on the world again- In the meantime- if you need me, you just may find me curled up under the covers with my Kindle.

July 22, 2011

I Need Coffee

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 12:53 am

I’m headed to the city to meet a friend but the one thing on my mind right now is that I need coffee. I didn’t make any this morning because I was dragging my feet while getting ready and I’m paying for it. Then again, I could be paying for the fact that I didn’t go to bed early enough. Either way, my first stop is Starbucks. I’m crossing my fingers for a good strong roast.

July 17, 2011

Putting on My Tour Guide Hat

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Travel — gardener @ 11:00 am

I’m putting on my tour guide hat in the very near future and this time it is going to be in the ever-so-lovely Great Britian, specifically London. It’s somewhere I haven’t been in my 44 years of life- but I’m looking forward to exploring it with mom, diddy and Marcel.

I am the official planner and coordinator, so I’m looking forward to seeing what I can come up with in terms of accomodations and finding us a show to see. Granted, it’s a no-brainer that I’d love to see Wicked, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out and what we’ll end up seeing if anything.

It looks like I’m going to have to dig in my heels and start searching to see what I can come up with. It’s going to be a great trip and I can’t wait.

July 11, 2011

Summer Days

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Things I Love — gardener @ 5:05 am

I am one of those people who get really excited when summer rolls around for many reasons. It isn’t just the typical great weather, but a combination of things that make me smile and one of those things is summer fruits. Watermelon, fresh strawberries, cherries, nectarines and the list goes on. I love them all. I love eating them and also think it’s great to give organic fruit of the month as gifts to people who don’t necessarily ‘need’ any traditional type gifts but who love good quality fruit. Tonight on the menu- a delicious fruit salad, filled with summer fruits and a touch of mint.

July 8, 2011


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:16 am

Today has been an odd day-   I’m not sure exactly why- but I’ve been feeling highly stressed.    I know there is a lot going on and my ‘to do’ list seems to be a mile long- but in spite of everything happening around me- I’m feeling grateful.

  • I have people in my life who love me and who are there for me to love and support me no matter what.   That means a great deal to me.
  • I’m glad that I’m able to limit my time around those that are- lets just say ‘energy vampires’.
  • It may seem silly- but I’m grateful that my little guy JJ actually enjoys getting a bath-  He makes me laugh out loud when he tries to bite the soap bubbles in the water and how he runs around like his tail is on fire once he has been dried.
  • Adventures and fun times that I have planned this month and the people I’m doing them with.
  • I’m happy that certain things that I’ve been working on seem to be coming together and now the decision has to be made- and the hard part starts.  I’m grateful that it has been somewhat clear what I need to do and can’t wait for the challenge.
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