Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 8, 2011

One Step at a Time

Filed under: Home,Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 10:07 am

There is so much going on in our household at the moment that lately I’m having to remind myself to keep breathing- It’s just busy busy with lots of fun activities and adventures in the making, but we’re also in the process of wanting to make some changes in our household. We have laminate floors throughout the bedrooms and when we bought it I liked the color but now I don’t. I’ve been looking at the laminate floor in hopes of finding something new- plus I’ve also been looking at new colors to paint our living room. There is a list of what we’d like to do since we made the decision to stay here and it looks like we’ll get them done one at a time, although I do find myself wishing I could wave a magic wand and have it all done at once.

Create a New Cupcake Recipe (101 in 1001 Days)

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Food — gardener @ 9:03 am

One of the items on my 101 in 1001 days list was to create a new cupcake recipe. I have been experimenting with cupcakes quite a bit lately and have become quite obsessed with them, so new recipes are a given.

The new recipe is an Orange Creamcicle Cupcake that I hope will be a huge hit amongst those I love and others. It’s a orange-vanilla cupcake with an orange-vanilla cream icing and orange curd filling.

What’s your favorite cupcake and why?

Making Lists-

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Techy — gardener @ 7:59 am

I know that it’s July- so this is going to sound somewhat crazy to some of you- but I’m already starting to think about Christmas. Since this year we won’t be home- my buying will be scaled down compared to the years we are at home, but I’ve got my eye on several ideas for my brother- one of which is a garman golf gps. He is a HUGE golf fan and plays as often as he can so I know this is something that he would absolutely love. The great thing is- I can order and have it shipped to mom and dad’s and he can open it there Christmas morning. I’ve got it added to my iPhone Christmas list application and in the next few months will start my ‘official’ shopping.

In case you haven’t guessed- I LOVE Christmas!

July 3, 2011

Unlikely Places

Filed under: Pets,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:47 am

This is a picture that I took a while back when JJ had surgery to be neutered.    I thought it was really sweet becuase Mister, who generally spends most of his time running away from JJ, couldn’t help but want to comfort him and make sure everything was ok.    In spite of the fact that they are both dominate creatures- they still love each other and I’d consider them close friends.

It’s odd how sometimes in the most unlikely places we find ourselves the best friends and that can be one of life’s greatest gifts.

July 1, 2011

Let’s Get this Party Started

Filed under: Life,Seasons,Things I Love,Women — gardener @ 8:14 am

First day of July and I’m ready to get this ‘birthday month’ party started! Looks like I’m going to start it with a bang… we’re headed out tonight to Hein’s birthday dinner celebration and tomorrow I’ll be seeing Pirates of the Caribbean with Bobbi. Sunday will be a day of rest for me and Monday- more fun and adventures.

I hearby designate July as a month of celebrations!

June 29, 2011

Gearing Up

Filed under: Gratitude,Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:21 am

I find it difficult to believe that we are two days away from the first of the month-   July happens to be my favorite month (Next to December) and that’s because it’s the month I was born.    I remember when I turned 40, I had this bright idea to eat cake almost every day- and well, needless to say that wasn’t a smart idea-   It tasted good at the time, but it showed up on the scales for sure.

Now here I am getting close to turning the big ’44’ and I have decided to celebrate the entire month of July…   I don’t know what I’ll do specifically other than the things I have planned with the people I love- but what I do know is that I’m going to enjoy every moment and surround myself with the best people.

I have much to look forward to- and quite honestly I’m feeling very blessed.

June 26, 2011

Busy as a Bee

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 10:44 am

That’s how I’ve felt the last days- busy as a little bee- flitting from flower to flower collecting pollen.  I’m not exactly collecting pollen, but I have been collecting thoughts, ideas and information for something that could be in the works.    It’s still too early to tell how things will play out- so until I know for sure if it will happen or not-I’ll just keep things under my hat.

In between that- I’ve been spending time with friends and enjoying the weather.   It looks as though warmer days are ahead- at least for the next two days and I’m looking forward to enjoying them.

What have you been up to?

June 22, 2011

I Feel-

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 11:19 am

I was doing a little writing earlier about my day and about several things that were on my heart and when I finished- this was the stats about what I’d written.   

I love all the yellow-  Obviously that means I’m happy- and on the whole I am.    I’ve been doing a lot of thinking- and in spite of a few obstacles there are big and great things happening in my life.

There are haters-   There will always be haters-   but haters disguised as ‘friends’ have no place in my life- so I can’t let them suck any more energy and happiness from me-  After all- they can’t do what I don’t allow.

I’m happy-   Life isn’t perfect- (whose is?) but it’s good-     xxx

June 19, 2011

Learn to Cook Something that I’ve Never Cooked Before- (101 in 1001 List)

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Food,Things I Love — gardener @ 6:42 am

One of the things on my 101 things in 1001 days list was to Learn to Cook Something I’ve Never Cooked Before. When I created the list- I didn’t have anything in mind- but on May28th I ‘officially’ completed this item on my list when I made Lemon Curd for the first time ever. It was the filling for some Lemon Meringue Cupcakes that I was making to keep myself busy after losing my uncle and it also being the birthday of my aunt and best friend for years- We lost her suddenly in March of 2010, so it was a hard day and I needed to keep busy- cooking was my way to do that.

The Lemon Curd turned out great and so did the cupcakes. I’m now moving on to other curds- and will attempt Orange Curd in a few weeks, which will be the filling for some Orange Cream cupcakes that I’m hoping will taste as good as they sound. We’ll see about that.

Oooh, so That’s the Problem

Filed under: Life,Techy — gardener @ 5:42 am

I rarely print things these days- but yesterday I did want to print something and for some reason the printer did NOT want to cooperate. I played around with it for a while and finally realized that I needed to update the scanner software on my computer and wouldn’t you know it- once I did, it worked like a charm. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it in the first place. Probably because I was over-thinking the situation, as I tend to do from time-to-time. I still want a wireless printer- but I guess until ours really bites the dust – there’s no point.

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