Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 7, 2009

My New Toy

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 10:55 am

I’m not sure if I’ve written about it here yet or not, but I know I did at, but last week I finally  got my new iPhone.   I have been waiting and waiting, until the time drew close enough for me to be able to cancel my current contract, so that I could keep my number, even though switching to a different provider with the iPhone. 

I love ‘gagets’ and anything else that will challenge my brain, but surprisingly, in spite of having NO user manual or instructions, the iPhone is simple to use.   I believe even the most computer challenged person of all times could probably breeze through the iPhone, but then again, maybe it’s just that I love this kind of stuff.

I’ve been checking out applications, downloading a few, deleting a few others, and by far the one I’ve found to be the absolute best is this application called “Lose It”.  It allows me to track my work outs, plus log my food, all from my phone.   Not to mention it tells me how many more calories I should intake for the rest of the day to lose the 2 pounds I’d like to lose. (It can also be set for lower weight losses per week, and will adjust food needs accordingly).

After two days of using the program, I’m hooked.   I am SO glad that I made this decision.  This is my favorite phone -ever!

Since I’d like to read a few of my favorite blogs before I need to wake Marcel from his nap, I leave you with:

My Gratitude List for April 7, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful for:

  • Marcel doing the dishes for me this evening.
  • The “Lose It” application for my iPhone.
  • Finally having my menu together for Sunday’s Easter Brunch.
  • Getting my work out in, in spite of having a sore knee.
  • Surprises.

April 6, 2009

These Boots Are Made For Walkin’

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 9:37 am

Not long ago, I finished my work out. I actually got it in much later than I’d anticipated, and almost didn’t do it at all, but I decided to do it anyway. Half way through, I wanted to quit. I just couldn’t seem to get my body moving enough, it felt as though it was taking every bit of energy I had to go through the motions of the work out. It was crazy. Yet, I pushed through, because I knew I needed to and in the end, I was happy that I did.

After the glass of milk that I drink after each work out (for the protein), I drank a liter of water, and then settled in to a huge mug of coffee. I heard my phone scream, “WOO HOO, Somebody’s, done set me a text message.” so I went to see who it was from. It was Desere, wanting to know if I wanted to go walking. I asked when, and she followed it with a message to let me know that we’d be going in about a half hour.

I responded that I’d be happy to go. That I hadn’t eaten, but that it would come when we got back, and it will. I’ll get everything ready before I go, so all I’ll need to do is stuff the food in the oven when I get back and let it cook.

I’m happy for the exercise, and the distraction. Thank GOD for friends, regardless of where they may be in the world- they are truely one of the biggest blessings ever!


Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 6:58 am

I’ve found a little comfort in the silence today. I know that may sound odd, but it has given me a chance to attempt to process things that I’ll never understand, and attempt to move forward. Even though it may seem to at times, life doesn’t stand still for anyone, or anything.

In a moment, I’ll put on my work-out clothes and see if I can’t burn off a little steam that way. Marcel also mentioned the other day that he’d like a navigation system, one that isn’t actually part of the software of his cell phone, which is what he currently has. I’m going to see if I can’t find one on sale and surprise him with it maybe for Easter, or sometime soon. He’s been such a source of strength and encouragement for me, and deserves it.

Beyond Understanding

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 5:56 am

Repost from Simply Wizardress

There are things in life that happen that I grasp to understand, even though I know that I never will. Yesterdays phone call from mom, is one of those things.

I always know when my mom is calling with bad news- there’s something different in her voice- the tone, something that tells me in spite of the small talk, that there’s something much larger, less pleasant looming on the horizon. Yesterday when mom called, that was the voice I heard.

I knew that I was about to hear something unpleasant, but it’s in those moments that I try to tell myself that maybe, just maybe I hear the tone wrong, and that she’s just calling to chat and hear about my day of shopping with Desere and the boys. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case, and there was tragic news to follow.

It’s difficult for my mom to make these calls. I know it is, because she knows how emotional I am, and how hard it is for me being here and everyone else being there. She also knows that as difficult as it is, that I DO want her to make the call, rather than keep me in the dark not knowing what’s happening back home.

With that being said, this is the most difficult part of living in a place where you can’t be ‘home’ in a few moments, because home is somewhere else, much further away.

Where do I begin… I suppose the beginning, although this is the end..

Yesterday morning mom received a phone call from her oldest brother, who is married to my friend Carol. Technically, Carol is my aunt, but for close to 19 years, we were much more than relatives, we were best friends. Over the past few years, with me moving out of the area, and both of us taking different life paths, we aren’t as close as we once were, but we still see each other when Marcel and I are home for the holidays.

For many years, her family was an extension of my own family. I shared holidays with her parents and siblings, and remember many BBQ’s at their home during the summer. I remember too many good times to count.

Denny (my uncle), told mom that Carols dad had been recently diagnosed with lung cancer. As mom was telling me, I could feel my heart sinking, as I was seeing yet another person affected by this horrible disease, cancer.

I started firing questions at mom right away, and I could tell by the tone of her voice that there was more. She said she didn’t know the details, but proceeded to tell me that JB had gone into the bathroom, curled up on the floor and died. The sickening feeling in my stomach got worse, and I started again asking questions, about the cancer, and then it hit me….

I said, “Mom, did JB die, or did he take his own life?”

“Lori, he took his own life. He laid down in the floor, put a gun in his mouth, and pulled the trigger.”

Even reading this, it doesn’t seem real. It makes me sick for the family, and for poor Jane who found him lying on the bathroom floor. When I close my eyes, I envision what she walked in to, and I feel like someone has kicked me in the stomach. These are the things horror movies are made of. I can’t begin to imagine what she’s going through- what all of them are going through.

Tears, they continue to fall- one moment I’m ok, and the next something triggers a memory and the floodgates open.

I don’t understand this sort of thing- there are so many people who WANT to live and can’t, and then others who find that they want to ‘play God’ and take their own lives, leaving a world of pain for those left behind. It makes me angry- Carol is a mess, and I believe I know her well enough to know that she’ll somehow feel as though she could have saved him, and will spin into a depression from the guilt. She has two other siblings, and I’m unsure how they’ll cope. Jane (his wife) seems ok, but I have a feeling that the reality hasn’t sunk in.

I pray for all of them during this tragic time. My heart breaks for them, and I wish that there was something I could do, but there isn’t. The funeral is today. They decided to have the funeral and ‘wake’ (as we call it in the South) all in one day…. my prayers are with them.

Part of me also wants to scream. It makes me want to scream out and ask WHY people do these sort of things.. I know that some people don’t want to suffer, and don’t want to have to ‘deal’ with going through chemo and treatments of cancer, but then again WHO DOES????? I don’t think it’s anything that ANY of us want to go through, but to put your family through so much more is beyond my realm of comprehension.

For those of you who sent me emails and notes of concern, I can’t tell you how much your thoughts and prayers mean to me. Please keep the Tanner and Fry family in your prayers if you don’t mind. They need it now more than ever.

I may not write about this again. I have to be able to attempt to make some sort of sense out of it, give it some sort of place, and move forward. This is the place where I chose to do that, and I appreciate you taking the time to read, and for caring.

For those of you who offered an ear, I thank you. I just may need to take you up on that.

April 5, 2009

No Words…

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 11:02 am

I just received some really horrible news from mom back ‘home’.  I want to write about it, or even talk about it, but right now there are simply no words, only a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, and coctail of pain, anger and disbelief.

Maybe tomorrow the words will come, but right now- nothing but tears.

In spite of the tears, and the emotions I’m feeling at the moment, I know that I have so much to be Grateful for.

My Gratitude List for April 5, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Tax breaks.
  • God’s Grace.
  • Being alive.
  • Living
  • L-I-F-E!!!

April 4, 2009

What’s In YOUR Grocery Cart?

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 8:09 am

Marcel and I made a quick trek to the Black Market today, and I decided when we got home that I’d ‘share’ a photo of the little treasures we came home with.   Granted, they may not seem like treasures to everyone, but things that I needed, and therefore treasures for me.  Not to mention  they’re all good for you too.  

When you come  home from grocery shopping, what would a photo of your purchases look like?

Today's Black Market Haul

I didn’t actually buy the fresh raspberries at the Black Market, but couldn’t pass them up when I saw them on sale at the supermarket for .99 cents a container. I’ve since put them in the freezer, and will use them next week with Easter Brunch.

I also didn’t picture the other goodies from the supermarket- a container of low-fat milk (that I always drink a glass of after my work outs), a container of fat-sugar free Vanilla Yogurt, and a praline filled chocolate bar for Marcel, that he’s already sampled and given his approval rating.

In the photo- raw almonds, dried cranberries, sweet potatoes/ yams, sweet paprikas, strawberries and  raspberries.

April 2, 2009

Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 12:39 pm

It has been another gorgeous day in the neighborhood here in Neverland. So gorgeous, in fact, that I’m ready to sing that song- It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day in the neighborhood…, but I digress.

Marcel and I decided to get out and enjoy his day off by spending the day in a local garden. I managed to take close to 200 photos, in spite of the fact that the flowers aren’t near peak. I don’t mind though, it gives me reason to go back again, and again. In fact, Desere and I are planning a trip in a few weeks from now, when all the flowers and colors should be at their peak. It’s going to be gorgeous- it is every year.

This morning as we were leaving, I was putting some magazines in my mom-in-laws mailbox, and one of her neighbors stopped me. We talked briefly about the weather, and then she said that she couldn’t believe how much weight I’d lost. I thanked her, and after a little conversation, she asked if I’d taken diet pills. I explained that I hadn’t, that I’d lost the weight the old fashioned way, healthy eating and exercise. She was amazed, said she knew it wasn’t easy, and told me that I should be proud of myself. I thanked her again for the compliment, and jumped back in the car.

It made me feel good that she stopped and complimented me, but I couldn’t help but giggle at her questions. I don’t really know her, but she was full of questions. I guess everyone wants the answers to the age old question of getting off the pounds- but as much as we would all love a ‘quick fix’, the way to get off those pounds is a healthy lifestyle of informed food choices and exercise. Pretty simple really.

March 30, 2009

New Look?

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 1:09 pm

I love the cheerful, yet retro look of this space, but yet I can’t help but find myself wanting something that’s my very own, so I think I’m going to go on the quest to find someone to help me with a layout- or spend some time in the coming weeks creating something for all three of my sites that reflects the theme of each website.

I found a company that does a wonderful job, but I really don’t want to pay the outrageous price they are asking, when I think I may possibly be able to come up with something on my own.

On Anger

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 10:01 am

The following is an entry that I wrote on my old WordPress blog on March 1st.  I came across it when I was sharing the links to my new places here, but thought it was something worth remembering, so I wanted to add it here.  If you’ve already read this before, it really is worth reading a second time.


********************************  From March 1st 2009*****************************
There are times when I find myself getting angry for little things- things that I know shouldn’t bother me, but yet they do. Luckily it doesn’t happen often but it does happen- after all, I am human and we all have our moments.

I try to be conscious when I find myself getting frustrated or angry and ask myself exactly WHY I am feeling that way- and whether it’s worth going to battle over. Most times it isn’t, and I do try to choose my battles wisely, but again, I’m human and I falter.

I’ve been thinking about that quite a bit this morning and came across the following in my inbox. If you have been reading any of my journals for any length of time, or if you know me personally, then you know that I like things that make cause me to pause, think, and wonder how (if at all) I can apply it to my own life and learn from it. This instance is no different.

“Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone else. You are the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

Is your life filled with anger?

When someone cuts you off while driving, or misses an appointment you made together, you probably get angry.

Often our imaginations create internal situations and fantasies that perpetuate those feelings until you are boiling and ready to take it out on someone else.

Truly though, we waste too much of our time and energy feeling negatively towards all sorts of things in our lives.

When was the last time you went an entire day without feeling angry? Think about the times you most frequently feel those tense, frustrated feelings building up in you and examine the root. If the situation is unavoidable, you’ve got to force yourself to accept it and move past it.

Maybe you need to sit down with a co-worker and talk to her about what is bothering you–instead of just letting her idiosyncrasies get under your skin each day. Perhaps you need to find an alternative route home to avoid the daily traffic jam that makes your blood boil.

Your body and mind will thank you for the peace such moves provide in the end.

Wise words, and definitely something worth remembering.

How do you manage anger?

March 28, 2009

Saturday Slumber

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 1:24 am

*Yawn*   That’s a little how I feel this morning- sleeeppppyy.  I have a feeling that the grey skies and drizzling rain have something to do with it, but I’m up and moving around, have had breakfast and a little coffee, I’m sure I’ll be ready to take on the world.

Today is my sister-in-law’s 40th birthday today, which means a big bash tonight.  We have a few little suprises up our sleeve for the festivities, and we need to get out this morning and take care of those.

Oh, and I’m curious what y’all think.   I had a discussion with someone the other day about the colon cleansing hype that’s going around now, as to whether it actually is something people should do or not.  This person says it’s necessary, and I say it isn’t. After reading colon cleanse reviews, I stand firm on my belief. What do you think? The discussions I find myself in from time to time are surprising, but I guess we all have those.

I’d better light a fire under myself and get moving. I’ve got to make sure that I have enough time today to get my work out in, and everything else that I’d like to accomplish today, before the big party tonight. Hopefully they’ve aired out the place so that I’ll actually be able to stay- if I can smell even a smidge of cigarette smoke (even though no one will smoke inside with me there), I’ll be going home early.

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