Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

December 23, 2011


Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 12:29 pm

I’ve been having quite a few packages arrive this week for Mr. Marcel – and since he’s been home some when they arrived- I’ve shoved some of the boxes under the tree and went back and wrapped them when he wasn’t around. I don’t want him asking a lot of questions, and even though I know some of the things he wanted, like funny t shirts and a jersey from his favorite soccer team- I don’t want him to know I was paying attention, so I try to keep him from seeing the packaging- So far, I think it’s worked. I guess we’ll find out in two days.

Merry Christmas

December 5, 2011

Making a List

Filed under: Holidays,Life,Seasons,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 9:07 am

Since I’m super late with my Christmas shopping- I think it’s about time that I sit down and decide what I’m getting for whom and start making it happen. I think I’ll probably give my brother a Starbucks card because I know it’s an indulgence that he really enjoys- and I know he doesn’t really need anything else- Dad could use some micrometers and I still haven’t decided yet on mom- but I’ll figure out something. I’m still working on Marcel’s too- although I do have a few ideas.. Slowly but surely-I’ll get there.. Just gotta get that list made and start checking it off.

November 21, 2011


Filed under: Gratitude,Holidays,Life — gardener @ 10:00 am

When I logged in today I was ashamed to see that it has been so long (almost a month!) since I was here last. I could give you a gazillion reasons as to why I haven’t, but the truth is on top of everything else I’ve been doing, I just haven’t made the time for it.

I know- I know- sad but true. I have a lot I want to talk about and share in this space- and am considering where I want this space to go in terms of blogging at the beginning of the year- but I will share that with you as time goes on.

Now that I’m feeling as though I’m starting to catch up after our extended holiday, I’m hoping to post much more frequently.

Thanksgiving is here- (where has the year gone?) and I’m thankful for the wonderful people in my life.

October 17, 2011

Counting Down

Filed under: Holidays,Travel — gardener @ 1:03 am

I have so many photos to go through and share- along with my experiences from our travels, but I probably won’t have the opportunity until mom and diddy leave in a few days. I am really feel sad about them leaving, and it makes me realize after spending these last two months with them, just how much I miss being so far from them. There are times when I feel torn- and quite honestly that I really want to pack up and move back near them- now is one of those times. They aren’t getting any younger, and neither am I. I am scared I’m missing precious time with them.

Right now- I will just enjoy these last couple of days and try not to think about their pending departure. I hope that they have enjoyed themselves as much as I’ve enjoyed having them.

July 31, 2011

Precious Moments

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Life,Travel — gardener @ 8:20 am

The end of my birthday month- It’s hard to believe a month of celebrating has come and gone. Now there are other things to plan- such as vacations with my mom and dad and birthday’s of people I love and adore. Before I know it- Christmas will be come and gone and I have a dear friend who will be looking at first birthday invitations for her little girl who will turn one early next year. It seems that time flies- in the blink of an eye. I often wonder where it all goes, which is why I think it is important to make the most of every, single moment. After all they are each and every one precious.

July 17, 2011

Putting on My Tour Guide Hat

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Travel — gardener @ 11:00 am

I’m putting on my tour guide hat in the very near future and this time it is going to be in the ever-so-lovely Great Britian, specifically London. It’s somewhere I haven’t been in my 44 years of life- but I’m looking forward to exploring it with mom, diddy and Marcel.

I am the official planner and coordinator, so I’m looking forward to seeing what I can come up with in terms of accomodations and finding us a show to see. Granted, it’s a no-brainer that I’d love to see Wicked, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how it all plays out and what we’ll end up seeing if anything.

It looks like I’m going to have to dig in my heels and start searching to see what I can come up with. It’s going to be a great trip and I can’t wait.

July 8, 2011

Making Lists-

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop,Techy — gardener @ 7:59 am

I know that it’s July- so this is going to sound somewhat crazy to some of you- but I’m already starting to think about Christmas. Since this year we won’t be home- my buying will be scaled down compared to the years we are at home, but I’ve got my eye on several ideas for my brother- one of which is a garman golf gps. He is a HUGE golf fan and plays as often as he can so I know this is something that he would absolutely love. The great thing is- I can order and have it shipped to mom and dad’s and he can open it there Christmas morning. I’ve got it added to my iPhone Christmas list application and in the next few months will start my ‘official’ shopping.

In case you haven’t guessed- I LOVE Christmas!

January 27, 2011

Back on Track

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Life — gardener @ 8:46 am

I think I mentioned before- but while I was home I really didn’t think much about eating healthy. Ok, I guess saying that isn’t exactly true. I did think about it, and there were often times that I even acted on it, but there were also times that I did not. Since the numbers on the scales didn’t change in those two months- I’d say that its obvious I maintained, but probably because I was doing more physical activity than I had been before I left.

Now that I’m home- I’m eating more balanced meals and skipping the processed stuff and even though I’m extremely jet lagged, I am feeling better. I haven’t started exercising a lot yet- but that day is coming as soon as the jet lag is gone and I actually can spend more than two hours without wanting to sleep.

Things are getting better with the jet lag- so I know I’m on the right track to getting through it.

I’m making small changes now before I start exercising, so that once I do begin again- it won’t be some huge shock to my system that I’m trying to do too much at once. I know better than that. Baby steps-

I did get some VERY cool running shoes and even though I’ve used them to walk, I can’t wait to start using them regularly- I think it will encourage me to walk and / or run more knowing that when I wear them that it’s connected to my iPhone and tracking my progress.

I do have a blog for this journey- that I’ll begin writing in regularly once I fully get into the swing of things. You’ll be welcome to follow me there and join in the journey if you like-

More on that in days to come.

January 5, 2011

Back on Track

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:38 am

When the New Year rolled around, I promised myself that in spite of still being on vacation, I was going to make sure that I started making healthier choices and stop treating this vacation as a free-for-all to eat everything that isn’t nailed down.    Ok, it hasn’t been that bad, but I have been definitely indulging and before I outgrew my clothes, I knew I’d better get back on track.

I’ve done really well with the choices I’ve made, and this morning I added a little Italian Sweet Cream Coffee-Mate to my steel-cut oats.   It was out of this world!   That, along with a little cinnamon and I had a delicious, healthy breakfast.

In the five days of this New Year I’ve already noticed a change (for the positive) in the way that I feel simply by getting the ‘junk’ out of my body.  I’m sure that it’s only going to get even better over time and I’m determined to make this a successful year in all aspects of my life.

January 2, 2011

New Year- New Possibilities

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays — gardener @ 1:19 pm

It’s hard to believe that we are already on day two of the new year. Being home has been amazing, but it has also meant that I’ve done some serious indulging during the holidays. My clothes still fit, but they do feel a little snug and I was determined to kick off the New Year by making better choices. I’m not beating myself up for the over-indulence, but it’s also time to cut out some of the sugar-laden goodies that I’ve been eating on a regular basis.

Someone commented that I should wait until we get home to start eating healthy again, but I say no to that idea. Our last couple of weeks will include lots of eating out, but instead of ordering ‘whatever’ on the menu, I’m going to be more conscious about ordering healthy items. By the time we get home, I should be pretty much detoxed from the sugar and back to healthy eating, so it will make the transition much easier. I’ll also start adding some exercise, so that once we get home, the elliptical will be ready for use.

I have several goals for this year and one is to become healthier (and lighter). I also have intentions to work more on projects that are swirling around in my mind, to continue (started before the end of the year) to keep the negative and drama prone people either out of my life or at arms length and to continue to work on becoming a better me. There are more (some related to my creativity) and I’ll share more as time permits. Right now the water I put on the stove is boiling and it’s time for a cup of green tea.

What are your goals for 2011?

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