Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 27, 2011

Interesting Thought

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 8:00 am

A few days ago I was browsing a book that I bought while at home and it was talking about how many more healthcare jobs there are out there because of the fact that so many of us are living unhealthy lifestyles. I don’t remember the exact statistics, but the risk groups we put ourselves in simply by being overweight is astounding to me. I have to wonder if we all decided to stop eating processed foods what kind of difference it would make in our lives and in our general health and visits to the doctor because of medical issues?

What do you think?

December 19, 2010

Sunshine on My Shoulders

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude — gardener @ 2:35 pm

I was sitting in church this morning and it really hit me just how blessed I really am. Don’t get me wrong- I don’t feel as though I take all the great things in my life for granted, but I believe that in all that has happened this year, I had really started focusing more on what wasn’t good instead of spending time being grateful for all that was.

Pastor Jenkins commented before prayer this morning about how difficult it is this time of the year for so many people and that suicide rates are higher this time of the year than any other. He talked about how some people don’t have a roof over their heads, heat in their homes, or food on the table. I’ve never had to experience any of those things- and that was the moment that it hit me that when I’m feeling down that I really should focus on what great things are happening in my life.

My blessings are many and I’m so grateful.

Right now I’m going to head out and enjoy the rest of the sunshine that we’ve been given today- plus spend some time with Blackjack (the cat) and MK (the other cat). They’re waiting.

November 28, 2010


Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Holidays — gardener @ 4:17 pm

I was listening to Oasis online this morning and they are starting a Christmas series called “Live, Love, Laugh”. I was hoping to be able to make it to the service, but I wasn’t so I decided to do the next best thing and that’s watch it online. Pastor Camp talked about how we really shouldn’t be focusing too much on what’s going on all around us, because those are things we can’t control. Instead, we should be focusing on what’s happening inside of us and making sure that we are cultivating the ‘good’ things.

I think that’s part of my problem for this entire year- There was SO much going on around me that I had no control over that it overwhelmed me. There was a lot of drama and negativity- and rather than focusing on the ‘inside’ I allowed some of that ‘junk’ to creep in. Now- I need to fix it. There isn’t a magic wand, but a little at a time I know I can get ‘me’ back and for that- I’m grateful.

November 10, 2010

Craving Silence

Filed under: Food for Thought,Home,Life,Travel — gardener @ 8:37 am

As I sit here and type this entry- I’m actually enjoying the fact that it’s silent in the house.  Marcel and the 4-legged members of the family are sleeping, allowing me a few moments of silent bliss.   I’ve always been one to appreciate a quiet moment, but yet it seems that lately, I’m craving those moments.  I’m not sure if it’s because they aren’t coming often enough, or if that I’ve had so much rumbling around in the grey matter that the silence allows me time with my thoughts to process and work through things that otherwise would be hanging in the blance.

I’m really excited about our trip, but we haven’t even boarded the plane and already our first week is completely booked.  Solid.  From Wednesday morning through Sunday, we have something going on each day.   I’m grateful- but I also know that I need to spend some time alone with my thoughts, preferably while lying in the middle of mom and dad’s field, surrounded by a plethora of cats.  I want to watch the clouds roll by and process this year- something that up until now I haven’t been able to do.  

6 day’s and we’ll be on our way.   I’m ready and can’t wait to see and spend time with everyone who wants to spend part of their holidays with us.

November 9, 2010

Little Pleasures in Life

Filed under: Food for Thought,Holidays,Home — gardener @ 8:26 am

My Friend Maggie- wrote on her blog -“MaggsWorld” about some of the simple pleasures that bring a smile to her face and warmth to her heart.   I became inspired by her list and decided that I’d share my own list.

Feel free to join us by doing the same!

  1. Waking up this morning and knowing that I have one week until my two month vacation.
  2. The bright and vibrant colors of the fall foliage making its way to the ground.
  3. Complete silence with the only sound being that of me tapping on the keyboard.
  4. The smell and flavor of steel-cut oats with cinnamon and a hint of cloves.
  5. Doing my best and finding that I’m being rewarded for it.

November 6, 2010

Brain Power

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:13 am

This is going to sound crazy (or maybe not), but lately I’ve had so much on my mind that I find I’m forgetting more than I’m retaining. That may not be 100% accurate, but that’s how I feel. I decided that maybe it would be a good idea to do something to challenge my brain a little and allow it to think more, but wasn’t sure what I could do.

I was lying in bed a couple of nights ago when after I finished checking email on my iPhone (the ‘eye’), I thought I’d browse through the App Store. I found a cute little trial game called “Cut the Rope” and it had great reviews. I figured since the light version was free, I’d check it out- after all it was free. It’s basically a little puzzle game where you have to feed this creature in a box candies. The candies look like Life Saver Cream Savers and well- it’s cute. It also challenged me.

It didn’t take long before I’d played all the levels on the free version and that left me thinking that the full version would be perfect. It was only .99 so I downloaded it. I’ve been playing it every spare moment since. I’m not exactly sure that I’m feeling smarter or forgetting less, but at least the grey matter is working and I’m having fun in the process.

October 29, 2010

Sailing Ships

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life,Memories — gardener @ 5:02 am

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how we tend to do things that give us some sort of ‘pay off’. It doesn’t always mean that the pay off is a good one, but we do things because it feeds something within us. Even if we are prone to obsessive behavior- it may not be necessarily healthy, but there’s a ‘reason’ we do it or it would stop.

I remember when I graduated from High School my mother said to me that I should enjoy those months leading up to it and at graduation she encouraged me to embrace that moment in time because it was the last time we would all be in one place at the same time. At the time, I don’t remember giving it much thought and may have even dismised it as one of those ‘momisms’ but yet, it stuck with me for more than 25 years. It hasn’t been one of those things that has been a constant in my mind, but something that I’m reminded of from time to time.

This summer was my 25 year class reunion. I wasn’t in the area, so didn’t make it, but some of us have decided to hold an ‘unofficial’ class reunion when I’m home for the holidays. Thanks to Facebook, I’ve been able to reconnect with some of the friends I had in high school and also realized that I don’t have anything in common with some of my old classmates. 25 years is a long time and we have all changed and grown over the years. Mom was right- that moment in time will never be recreated and while it was precious then- this is now.

I’ve learned in recent years that no matter how much you may love something from you past- you can’t recreate that. It was what it was during that moment in time, and no matter how try you hard to grasp and return to that moment, or make it what it was. It just isn’t possible. It’s important not to spend too much time looking back on what was happening then, that you fail to see the beauty in what IS now.

October 8, 2010

Life Lessons

Filed under: Food for Thought,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 5:00 am

I’ve been in the midst of some pretty tumultuous waters lately and I have to say that it has had me feeling pretty much on edge constantly. What I realized after about a week and a half is that I had become so overwhelmed with everything that was happening and the negativity of others that all I could seem to focus on was the turmoil. I knew there were good things in my life simply because I know I am blessed, but at that particular point, it took a lot to see them.

Why? Because my focus was on the wrong thing.

The waters have since calmed a bit. I suspect that the tide will always be high, the rip-current ready to drag me under, but the only difference is that now I’m prepared. I learned a valuable lesson and I will carry it within my heart and remind myself of what I’ve learned time and time again.

1- Someone elses reality isn’t necessarily my own.

2- Focus on the positive, and let the rest go.

I will definitely need to remind myself of this time and time again- but awareness is everything.

September 30, 2010

Gimme Gimme

Filed under: Food for Thought — gardener @ 11:12 am

This morning I was watching something on television and the comment was made that the person shouldn’t give their power away to another person and allow that person to dictate their life and how they feel. I had one of those lightbulb moments and I decided right then and there that even though I’ve been going through a lot lately and struggling- that doesn’t mean that I have to give my power away to anyone. I decided to take it back and I’m implementing the steps to do exactly that!

September 17, 2010

True Callings

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration — gardener @ 4:18 am

I found this in my email this morning from “The Daily Love” and it happened to be something that I needed to hear today. I don’t believe there are accidents in life and this was yet another confirmation of that fact.

A friend asked me yesterday if I was ok. When she asked me that I paused, because I wasn’t sure what she meant, so I asked her. She said that I didn’t seem as ‘happy’ as usual. Before I answered her, I decided to think about that for a moment and I found that I’m not ‘unhappy’ but yet there has been so much going on around me that has tapped into my emotions that I’ve often not had anything left over for the things that bring me joy. It’s time to start tapping into that joy again- those things that make me happy and being creative is one of those things.

Life ends not when you die, but when you stop believing in your true calling. Your true calling isn’t something your friends, parents or lovers want you to become. Your true calling isn’t living vicariously through someone else. And most certainly your true calling isn’t working just to “make a living” and “get by”.

Your true calling is that soft voice within you urging to be creative. Your true calling is the visions of a better life that you have. Your true calling is your Creator whispering to you who you really are.

One day we will all breathe our last breath. The only difference between those of us who will live a fulfilled life in the flow of their true calling and those of us who don’t is this: know that you are already dead, die to your fear and give up everything except what whispers to you in the quiet hours.

Follow your vision, do what makes you happy – it is your birthright to live in joy. But it is 100% your choice whether you do or not.

Say no to your fear. Live your true calling. Set sail and don’t look back.

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