Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 11, 2011

Just What I Need

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 3:31 pm

Since ‘Santa’ gave me a Kindle for Christmas, one of my favorite things to do is browse through the books that are available. A few nights ago I found a download that shows some good ab workouts for the bargain price of less than 2.00. Needless to say- I bought it on the spot and have been checking it out. Granted, I haven’t actually started using it yet, but I will be, and soon. I WILL kiss this last 40 pounds goodbye this year. It’s time to stop talking and start doing.

Sniffle Sniffle

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 3:25 pm

I woke up this morning with a case of the sniffles.   Thankfully, so far it hasn’t turned into anything other than a runny nose (not the first I’ve had this trip) and I hope that it doesn’t.   We have a lot to do in the next week and a half that we have left and I can’t afford to be sick.  

Thankfully we didn’t have much going on today so I’ve been able to rest and relax- although I did spend a little time outside cuddling with the kitties.   They are about the cutest thing ever and bring me so much joy.  I wish I could pack all three of them in my suitcase and take them home with me-  although I somehow think Mister M. would protest.   JJ, on the other hand would see it as three new playmates.

Goodbye Chocolate Cake

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 2:25 pm

This morning I said goodbye to the chocolate cake that I’ve been eating every chance I get since Saturday. My friend Natalie makes these fabulous cakes and she brought a huge triple chocolate creation to the gathering this past Saturday. There was some left over, and I’ve been eating it- and eating it- and yes- eating it.

Last night- I vowed that it would be my last piece and in spite of the serious urge to cut myself another piece, I haven’t. If I don’t watch it, I’m going to need to ask the question- is hoodia effective and try to find out because my clothes are going to start getting tighter. It’s time to get back on track again before I start packing on the pounds.

Goodbye Chocolate Cake- I’m going to miss you.

January 5, 2011

Back on Track

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:38 am

When the New Year rolled around, I promised myself that in spite of still being on vacation, I was going to make sure that I started making healthier choices and stop treating this vacation as a free-for-all to eat everything that isn’t nailed down.    Ok, it hasn’t been that bad, but I have been definitely indulging and before I outgrew my clothes, I knew I’d better get back on track.

I’ve done really well with the choices I’ve made, and this morning I added a little Italian Sweet Cream Coffee-Mate to my steel-cut oats.   It was out of this world!   That, along with a little cinnamon and I had a delicious, healthy breakfast.

In the five days of this New Year I’ve already noticed a change (for the positive) in the way that I feel simply by getting the ‘junk’ out of my body.  I’m sure that it’s only going to get even better over time and I’m determined to make this a successful year in all aspects of my life.

January 2, 2011

New Year- New Possibilities

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Holidays — gardener @ 1:19 pm

It’s hard to believe that we are already on day two of the new year. Being home has been amazing, but it has also meant that I’ve done some serious indulging during the holidays. My clothes still fit, but they do feel a little snug and I was determined to kick off the New Year by making better choices. I’m not beating myself up for the over-indulence, but it’s also time to cut out some of the sugar-laden goodies that I’ve been eating on a regular basis.

Someone commented that I should wait until we get home to start eating healthy again, but I say no to that idea. Our last couple of weeks will include lots of eating out, but instead of ordering ‘whatever’ on the menu, I’m going to be more conscious about ordering healthy items. By the time we get home, I should be pretty much detoxed from the sugar and back to healthy eating, so it will make the transition much easier. I’ll also start adding some exercise, so that once we get home, the elliptical will be ready for use.

I have several goals for this year and one is to become healthier (and lighter). I also have intentions to work more on projects that are swirling around in my mind, to continue (started before the end of the year) to keep the negative and drama prone people either out of my life or at arms length and to continue to work on becoming a better me. There are more (some related to my creativity) and I’ll share more as time permits. Right now the water I put on the stove is boiling and it’s time for a cup of green tea.

What are your goals for 2011?

December 26, 2010

Little Differences

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 6:20 pm

For a while now I’ve been using olive oil soap as my own little found home remedy for acne. I guess I shouldn’t call it acne, because it isn’t what most people would consider full-blown acne, but since my hormones seem to have been raging this year it has shown up in break-outs. It really has worked wonders and aside from a little break-out I’m having right now (probably from the excess of junk I’ve been eating) I have noticed a huge difference in the way my face looks.

I’ve also started taking red clover in hopes that it helps with the peri-menapause symptoms I’ve been having. So far so good, although I suspect it will take a while before I know for sure if it’s going to make a difference.

December 12, 2010

Good Eats

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Holidays — gardener @ 1:39 pm

Up until now, this has been a vacation of indulgence when it comes to eating. I did pretty well up until the cruise, but the dessert choices were amazing. There wasn’t just ‘one’ great dessert, but many. Of course, I had to try them all. haha The last day of the cruise they had a chocolate extravaganza during lunch and I REALLY indulged then.

Even though we’ve been home a few days- I’ve still found myself on the indulgence side and know that if I am ever going to shed any pounds while I’m here- I’d better start making healthier choices. I stocked up on fresh fruits and veggies today and plan to start doing my best- including adding more exercise to the mix.

I have a 5k to do on December 31st and I’d better start training if I’m planning to make it.

December 11, 2010

Here and There

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Home,Life — gardener @ 9:06 am

My brother and nephew are coming over today for gumbo, so I’m trying to get a few things caught up on the computer (like my blogs) so that I can run (literally) up to my great aunt’s house for a little visit before they arrive. I haven’t seen her since we arrived and I know she probably thinks I’ve forgotten her. Things have just been so crazy.

Diddy has had a couple of doctors appointments while we’ve been here and I’m happy that I’ve been able to go with him. I also go to the back with him so I can listen to what the doc says and of course watch any procedures that they may do. I’m sure the doc loves it because I always ask what the machines are and what they do, like the bovie that I saw in one of the offices. I’ll be back there with diddy later this coming week and I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to see me coming with my 20 questions. I do hope it will be the last for him for a long time.

November 29, 2010

Fun with Friends

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home — gardener @ 5:00 pm

I messaged Samantha this morning to see if they made it back from their trip to the mountains for Thanksgiving. They had. I sent her a message asking if I could come over tomorrow night since I woudn’t get to see her before Desere arrived otherwise. She said I was welcome to come over but asked if I’d rather go out and get sushi tomorrow night. Since I have been craving Chef Scotts- my respose was a big YES, YES, YES!

I told her that I’d be skipping lunch tomorrow, but that was before my friend Debbie messaged me and asked if I wanted to go to a great restaurant in Ocean Springs that serves great hummus. I can’t wait to spend some time with her, so obviously, I said YES!

Looks like it will be breakfast I’m skipping tomorrow and if I don’t watch it I’ll be asking what are the best diet pills because I’m hoping to ‘lose’ weight this trip and not gain. I’m sure I can swing it though. Now that I’m feeling much better, I can get back to exercising.

November 27, 2010

It’s All in the Hormones

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:04 pm

Before today, I haven’t had make up on since I got sick on Tuesday. I noticed today that my hormones are on the rampage and it’s ‘that time’ again, I can tell that my face is starting to break out again. I have so much that I’d like to talk about and share, but right now I’d better get this makeup off before I start needing acne treatments to clear up my face. I’m also feeling a little hungry so I think it’s time to indulge in some dinner.

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