Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 18, 2009

Great Start to the Week

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 10:37 am

There are some Mondays that you find yourself wanting to crawl back in bed, cover your head and hide from the world.   In my day, I’ve actually had plenty of those, but the start of this week was NOT one of those days.

Marcel and I decided that we’d get up and at it early this morning so that we could get all the grocery shopping done, plus catch up on a few things around here before the day flew past.   He’s working tonight, so that leaves me ‘home alone’, and I usually have an easy day in the kitchen on Monday’s during the winter and spring months, because his mom makes soup for the family on the weekend, and sends us all home with a huge container. 

Today, I decided to make something different, and we’ll have the soup tomorrow.   We had chicken today, and chicken soup tomorrow- so it looks like the theme this week is starting out with chicken- ‘cluck-cluck’.

The sun is shining today and the skies clear, and aside from the 40 mph winds, it’s a perfect day for a bike ride.    I knew Marcel didn’t really want to ride, but he did anyway, because he knew I really wanted the exercise.  To say that it was difficult with the winds would be an understatement, but one thing is for sure- it definitely got the heart rate up.

We stopped in at my favorite cafe in the town center, and I had the same thing I always have when I go there- chocolate cappuccino.    It always makes me smile when we come in and sit down, and they ask us if we want the chococcino and the cappuccino.  I like it that they remember.  Little things like that mean a great deal to me.

Afterwards we biked for another half hour, and along the way I took a turn too quickly and wiped out by hitting the curb.  I could see it coming, so when I hit the curb I jumped instead of falling with my bike, but it shook me up for about thirty seconds and then I was back on the bike and continuing on the journey.

Once we arrived at home, I was feeling pretty energetic, so I decided to go for a run on the elliptical, and while I did that, Marcel not only vacuumed the entire place, but when I finished, I walked into the kitchen and he was doing the dishes as well.    He’s always great about helping when I’m busy, but I didn’t expect that, but again – it’s one of those little things that mean a great deal.

Now, Marcel is napping- Mister M. is napping, and the only sound I hear is the birds singing outside and the tap-tap-tapping of the keyboard.   It’s going to be a great week.

How is your week shaping up?

My Gratitude List for May 18, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Marcel doing both the vacuuming and the dishes.
  • That I didn’t get hurt today on my bike ‘wipe-out’.
  • Great prices for fresh fruits and  vegetables at the grocery store.
  • Having a ‘home alone’ night.
  • The flowers I planted, which are starting to bloom.

May 17, 2009

Quiet Time

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 9:25 am

Marcel has gone off to his moms for Sunday dinner, and I decided to stay home. I really needed the quiet time to catch up on a few things around here, and I wasn’t sure how well the house would be aired out with the weather being the way it is, and my allergies couldn’t take any hint of cigarette smoke, so I stayed home. Marcel brought me a plate of food, that I’ll go eat as soon as I finish with this entry, then I’d like to get some vacuuming done, plus a few other little things.

I have several things that I’d like to accomplish this week, so I need to make a few lists. I find that I am much more productive if I make a list, and actually stick to it.

My tummy is rumbling, so before I go- My Gratitude List for May 17, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Marcel, for not waking me this morning- which allowed me to sleep in.
  • Making it through the new routine on the elliptical that I’ve created-  it was time to kick things up a notch.
  • The paint in Marcel’s jackets coming out in the wash- (see for details)
  • Being aware.
  • Staying home from my mom-in-laws and enjoying a little quiet time.

Sunday Ramblings

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 7:25 am

Ahhh coffee- I ground enough beans to brew myself two cups, and just sat down with a big Mickey Mouse mug filled with coffee, a splash of cream, and a touch of Splenda- not much, just enough to give it a hint of sweetness. I’m curious to the flavor, since I’ve never bought it before, and is called Roma Espresso. I’m sure it can’t beat my all time favorite, Illy, but I enjoy trying different types, and now that I’ve had a sip, I can say that it’s good.

Marcel decided to take a nap. He’s tired after doing a little painting in the kitchen today. I’m still unsure why he chose a rainy day to paint, but at least he got it done, and for that I’m grateful. Unfortunately, the paint fumes and my allergies do not mix, but at least we are able to close off that part of the house and unless I go into the kitchen, I won’t smell it.

Marcel and I have been talking about home improvements. There are several things that we’d both like to do, one of which being adding crown molding throughout the house, plus replacing all the doors throughout. We’ve gone back and forth on whether to actually do that, because we would love to sell this place and move to something a little larger in the near future, but right now- with the selling markets being the way they are, I’m not sure that’s going to be realistic in the next few years.

Personally, I’d like to do the improvements anyway, since it will raise the value of our home, but Marcel sees it as wasted time and energy. I do understand his point, but what can I say- I love the idea of a new, fresh look. I guess we’ll eventually come to a decision.

Right now, while everything is quiet- I believe I’m going to work on my brothers ’40 things about me on my 40th birthday’. I wanted to make the list for him and have mom read it to him at his birthday bash- a little something that brings us closer to being there, even though we can’t be there physically. I ordered his gift today, which I know he’ll love. It’s golf related, and ANYTHING golf related is A-OK in his book.

May 16, 2009

On Bringing Out the Best in Others

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 9:56 am

When my friends triumph, I don`t think anyone cheers them on louder than I do.   I am literally THRILLED for each and every accomplishment that they have.   I stand with them and rejoyce, and I try to encourage them to see in themselves the very things that others see in them.  

Even when I know a friend is making a choice that I don`t believe will turn out the way he/she hopes- if my opinion is asked, I give it,  I encourage them, and hope that my opinion was wrong.   I never want to see people I care for stumble, but if the day comes that they do, I want them to know that I`m there for them if they need me.

The same goes for my “True Blues”.  I know that no matter what happens, that they`ll be there for me in times of triumph, and also in times of tears.  

I have been asking myself, and I’ll ask you- When is the last time that you encouraged someone that you know to take a step forward and live their potential?  

There are times when people are scared to take that next step, and just seeing that someone else believes in them, is enough to give them the strength to move forward.

I thought the following words of ‘wiz’dom are a gentle reminder of that very thing.

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” – Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman

How can you bring out the best in others?

Everyone has hidden treasures of talent and undiscovered potential. Everyone has something substantial to contribute.
Why are these valuables still buried beneath the surface?
Why don`t they shine through?
Confidence may be an issue. By teaching someone a new skill, you can help build that confidence.
People need someone to believe in them. They need to know that if they take that first step out of their comfort zone, someone will be supporting them all the way.

With small words of encouragement, with just a little extra time, that someone could be you. In some cases, others may just be unaware of their true abilities and potential. If you`ve never tried to shoot an arrow, how do you know that you`re not the next Olympic archer? Concentrate on bringing out the best in others, and you`ll bring out the best in yourself. Then stand back and watch `em go.

May 15, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 8:35 am

Today, I was reminded by several different things, just how very blessed I am, and how we all tend to take so many things for granted- things that could impact our lives in a major way if they were different. I found myself wondering if I would handle those things with the dignity and grace that I see others handling them with, and I honestly don’t know. I’d like to think that I would, but I do believe that until you walk in someones shoes, or are finding yourself in a similar position, you never really know.

I was reminded that EVERYTHING in life counts- every moment, every thought, every single action- what we do with what we are given Matters.

I would love to know what YOU are grateful for in your own life- EVERYONE has something to be grateful for, even those who doubt aren’t looking hard enough.

My Gratitude List for May 15, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • My Eyesight- which allows me to see.
  • An umbrella to keep me dry when it’s raining.
  • Color
  • Glucosamine, which hopefully is helping my knee heal.
  • Soft falling rain, without wind.

Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on my Head

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 8:27 am

It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring….. .

Guess what kind of weather we’re having today? Yep, you guessed it- rain! I actually don’t mind, since with the rains the winds have died down and I was able to get out today for lunch with friends and actually use an umbrella.

My knee was bothering me a little by the time we were winding up the walking for today, but we walked, walked and walked some more. I figure who needs fat burner pills, when you get as much walking in as we did today.

Right now, I’m enjoying the silence, and am considering spending some time outside on the porch, enjoying the rain, without having to get wet. Listening to the sound of falling rain is one of my favorite things, and I could couple that with a huge cup of coffee (I bought two new types today while I was out for lunch), and some letter writing. Sounds perfect to me.

What’s your favorite rainy-day activity?

May 14, 2009

Going Downnn

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 2:07 am

This morning when I got up, my rings were tight on my fingers, which is how I know if I’m retaining any fluids. I decided that I’d still get on the scales, and have a peek. It’s been a little over two weeks, and I wanted to know if there was any sort of change, even though I knew I was retaining fluids, so didn’t expect much.

I stepped on and noticed a loss. It wasn’t a big loss, but it was a loss, and I would imagine if I wasn’t retaining fluids this morning, that the loss would have been even more. I’m happy about it- because I know I haven’t worked out due to those monthly cramps, but yet I’ve been really careful about staying on track with my food, so I know I’m on the right track to reaching my goal later this year.

It’s a great feeling seeing those numbers continually going down on the scale! Yeah!!!

May 13, 2009

Getting it Done

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 10:41 am

The past two days I’ve really been able to accomplish so much that I’m actually starting to make a dent in my ‘to do’ list without it growing by leaps and bounds as I scratch something off it.  That is a great feeling, let me tell ya.

I’ve definitely had to make a few changes, but I’ve decided to take care of the things I need to do first, and then allow myself the time the things I want to do later, it’s working- at least so far.

I was hoping to write three letters today. Yes, two of them I could actually email, but I love a hand written letter, so I sat outside in the sunshine this afternoon with my pen, paper and a huge glass of iced green tea and I wrote. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get three letters written, but I did get one completed, stuffed in an envelope and addressed before Marcel got home from work and the meeting he attended today. He was sweet enough to take it out to the mail, so that it could actually be sent in todays mail- I’ll try to get the other two done in the next couple of days.

I’ve been having the overwhelming desire to create lately, so this weekend, I’m hoping to have the time to work on some new jewelry creations. It has been quite some time, and I really have several ideas I’d like to try to pull together. I’ll keep y’all posted when I do, and share a few photos of the creations.

The coffee is brewed and I am ready for a bath. I’d like to spend a little while with Marcel before he heads off to bed for the evening. He has to be up early in the morning for work, so he always goes early when he has to be up early.

My Gratitude List for May 13, 2009.
Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Having some time to myself to prioritize and get some things checked off my ‘to do’ list.
  • Having most of phase two of the flowers done, and being ready to move on to the third and final planting stage.
  • Marcel mailing the letter I wrote for me, which allowed me to get dinner going.
  • Beautiful flowers.
  • Those few people in my life, who really seem to ‘get’ me.

May 12, 2009

Gonna’ Be a Bright- Sunshiney Day

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 1:26 am

Remember that song from the hmm 70’s maybe? “I can see clearly now?” For some reason, I’ve always loved it, and today reminds me of that song- the skies are blue- the sun is shining and life is good.

I always appreciate the sun, but I tend to appreciate it a little more when I find that the weatherman hidden inside my iPhone is wrong about cloudy skies and rain, and the sunshine comes as a beautiful surprise when I open my eyes in the mornings. Two days in a row that’s happened, and I’m thrilled. I think I’ll fire the iPhone weather guy- aka known as where the application gets its 411 or (information).

My favorite guy is off yet again today, and we’re off to a local garden shop to pick out some flowers. Its a perfect day for planting, and if the winds die down, I may actually get to go for a bike ride sometime today as well.

Look all around, there’s nothing but blueeee skiesssss…..It’s gonna be a bright- bright sunshiney dayyyyyyyyyy

May 11, 2009

On Paying Attention

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 9:45 am

“Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness.” – Jean de la Bruyere

Lately, I’ve been the first to complain about not having enough time in my day to accomplish all that I want to do, and in fact, you may have heard me write about it here or on one of my other spaces, or even heard me talk about it in person.    It has seemed like I’ll check one or two things off my ‘to do’ list, only to find five or six more in their place, leaving me with the feeling that I’m spinning my wheels, or sometimes even trudging backwards against the current.

Today was no different- I was up early and out the door headed to the doctor, and while I did get a few things accomplished in terms of errands- we didn’t get home until late, which meant I had time for cooking and not much else.  

After dinner and dishes, Marcel headed for a little nap, and I’m pounding out a few words before Desere arrives for me to help her with  a Excel document.  Five more hours and I’ll kiss another day goodbye. 

As if on cue, when I opened my email a little earlier, I found the aforementioned quotation, along with the following words of  ‘wiz’dom.   It’s obviously time I became more focused in ‘everything’ I do, and not just ‘some’ of what I do. 

I’m going to see if it makes a difference, although I don’t see how it couldn’t.

Are you paying attention to how your time is spent?

Days don’t get shorter. Our attention spans do. How can summer be over in a blink while it seems like the weekend will never get here? Because we’re not paying attention. Five days out of seven, we’re waiting for something else to happen in the future, and we don’t take advantage of the day that we hold in our pocket. Have you ever had someone ask what you did last week–or even yesterday–and had trouble coming up with an answer? You probably wouldn’t have had any problem at all if your time were spent on something meaningful for you. Don’t wait for tomorrow! Ignore the calendar and work with one day at a time. Fill that one day with stuff you’ll pay attention to, the stuff that memories are made of. A little bit of focus will help you get rid of that hectic blur.


My Gratitude List for May 11, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful for:

  • A day of sunshine- a wonderful treat, after the weatherman predicted rain.
  • Finding the flower continers that I’d been looking all over town for and unable to find.
  • The doc having a suggestion of what hopefully will help the problem with my knee.
  • Have a fridge full of good, healthy things to eat.
  • Being loved.
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