Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 16, 2009

On Bringing Out the Best in Others

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 9:56 am

When my friends triumph, I don`t think anyone cheers them on louder than I do.   I am literally THRILLED for each and every accomplishment that they have.   I stand with them and rejoyce, and I try to encourage them to see in themselves the very things that others see in them.  

Even when I know a friend is making a choice that I don`t believe will turn out the way he/she hopes- if my opinion is asked, I give it,  I encourage them, and hope that my opinion was wrong.   I never want to see people I care for stumble, but if the day comes that they do, I want them to know that I`m there for them if they need me.

The same goes for my “True Blues”.  I know that no matter what happens, that they`ll be there for me in times of triumph, and also in times of tears.  

I have been asking myself, and I’ll ask you- When is the last time that you encouraged someone that you know to take a step forward and live their potential?  

There are times when people are scared to take that next step, and just seeing that someone else believes in them, is enough to give them the strength to move forward.

I thought the following words of ‘wiz’dom are a gentle reminder of that very thing.

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.” – Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman

How can you bring out the best in others?

Everyone has hidden treasures of talent and undiscovered potential. Everyone has something substantial to contribute.
Why are these valuables still buried beneath the surface?
Why don`t they shine through?
Confidence may be an issue. By teaching someone a new skill, you can help build that confidence.
People need someone to believe in them. They need to know that if they take that first step out of their comfort zone, someone will be supporting them all the way.

With small words of encouragement, with just a little extra time, that someone could be you. In some cases, others may just be unaware of their true abilities and potential. If you`ve never tried to shoot an arrow, how do you know that you`re not the next Olympic archer? Concentrate on bringing out the best in others, and you`ll bring out the best in yourself. Then stand back and watch `em go.

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