Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 25, 2009

Time Flies

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 6:58 am

I promised myself that I was going to spend some time outside reading today, and I’m headed off to do just that in a few.  It seems like I just sat down at the computer, and I see that three hours have passed in the blink of an eye.  

That happens, especially when you spend most of the weekend away from the computer.   I needed to track my food, check on nutritional health supplements, write a few things that I needed to print and get ready to be mailed.  

The ‘todo’ list is still long, but tomorrow is another day.  Right now, the coffee and book are calling my name, not to mention the sunshine.

In My Abscence.

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 5:30 am

In my abscence, I’ve been taking some time to tend my own garden, so to speak.  My emotional garden- something I’ve needed to do for quite some time, and haven’t taken the time to do it.  

We really do have to take the time to ‘weed our gardens’, ridding ourselves of the negative and  not allowing it to grow and become a weed that has taken over the garden.    As with a real garden, if left untouched, the weeds will overpower and take over, robbing the beautiful flowers and plants of their nutrients and beauty.   The same applies to us.

Lately- I’ve found that I’ve lost my focus.  Technically, not lost my focus, but began focusing on the wrong things, which in turn, allowed those pesky weeds to take root and grow.   Thankfully, I was able to recognize this and am now working on getting back to the place where I need to be.    As with all weeding- it takes a little time, but the result is breathtaking.

I smell the coffee coming from the kitchen, a reminder that the brewing process is finished, and it’s time for me to head to the kitchen, and ultimately outside with a book in one hand, a steaming cup of coffee in the other.

My Gratitude List for May 25, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Weeding the garden, and feeling much stronger, and peaceful.
  • An afternoon to spend exactly as I please.
  • All of lifes little blessings.
  • The few who reached out- who cared enough to notice.
  • Almonds, which could be one of my favorite nuts.

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