Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 7, 2009

Life Begins at ’40’

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:20 am

Y’all may remember me mentioning a while back that my parents are throwing my darling brother a 40th birthday bash later this month.   The theme of his party is… “Life begins at 40”, and even though Marcel and I won’t be able to be there- I’ve been doing the best that I can to help make this party a huge success.

Mom left the invitations up to me, and I was able to design invitations that I thought my brother would get a huge kick out of-   Earlier last week, mom sent out the invites, and sure enough, I received an email from my little bro letting me know how much he loved the invitations.

He probably thinks that the fun stops there. … ahhh he should know me much better than that-   Several days ago, I ordered a banner for mom to hang, and either later on today or tomorrow, I have plans to design a ‘special birthday T-Shirt’ that mom is going to insist that he wears.    It’s going to be this hilarious photo that I have of him in the center- with various color types and fonts with the number 40 all around.   He’s going to love it-

Mom has a few tricks up her sleeve as well, and this weekend I plan on writing a list of  ’40 things’  about my brother, that mom can read aloud to him at the bash.  I want them to be funny, so I’ve got to get the creative juices flowing.

I really wish we were going to be there, but we’ll definitely be there in spirit.

If I can get permission from my bro- I will share a few photos with y’all after the fact.  

Right now, I hear a rumbling in my tummy, which tells me it’s DINNER TIME!

My Gratitude List for May 7, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Being able to find the exact plant that my mom-in-law mentioned the other day- to give to her for Mother’s Day.
  • That in spite of the dark clouds- the rains have subsided.
  • A piece of sunshine in the mail- a letter from my friend Caroline.
  • Unexpected blessings.
  • An email from one of my favorite people with ultrasound photos, and photos of her expecting.  She’s almost 7 months.  I’m so excited. 

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