Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

May 10, 2009

Happy Mother’s Day

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 2:36 am

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you wonderful mothers out there.

In honor of this very special day-  I wanted to share a few  things that I’m grateful for regarding my very own mommy, whom I happen to believe is the best mommy on the planet.

Six Reasons I’m Grateful for My Mom on Mothers and EVERY Day.

  • Always being there for me to listen, even when you may not feel like it.
  • Attempting to understand how I’m feeling, even though that may not always be easy.
  • Your ‘wiz’dom.
  • Your friendship.
  • Your neverending love.
  • Your knowledge and intelligence.

And the list goes on…  Happy Mother’s Day Mom-   I love you!!!

May 9, 2009

Beautiful Day

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 2:14 pm

Marcel is working again tonight, and after calling mom, I’m going to curl up on the sofa and watch “He’s Just Not That Into You”.   I started watching it last night, but I ended up falling alseep so don’t remember much of what happened.

Aside from going to the Black Market today to pick up some almonds, dried cranberries, and dates, Marcel and I finally got the flowers planted that I bought a week ago.   Between being busy and the weather not cooperating, I hadn’t been able to get them planted, but they’re done, which means it’s time for me to get shopping for the rest of the flowers I need to get everything in tip-top shape.

Right now, I really want to call mom and get this movie started, or I’ll never get it watched.

Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with Mother’s day and birthday parties, so you may not see much of me.

My Gratitude List for May 9, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • My Mommy, who I love and admire so very much.
  • My mom, who I consider to be the best mom EVER!
  • My mom, who is not only beautiful, but brilliant.
  • My mom, who is one of my very best friends.
  • My mom,  just for being her.

May 8, 2009

Babies, Babies, Everywhere

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 9:28 am

After my friend Bobbi left, I checked emails to find a message from someone who is almost like a sister to me. She wanted to ask me to be praying for them, as they found out recently they are pregnant. I’m SO excited for her and her family. That makes three people that are near and dear to my heart, that are pregnant at this very moment. I’m SO excited for them all.

My mom and sister-in-law asked me last week if Marcel and I were still trying to have a baby, and I told her that even though we would both love to have a child, that I felt we were getting too old to actually carry a child. Don’t yell and scream at me- I know, I know people do it all the time these days, but I personally feel that for ME, that I’m not sure I’d want to bear a child at almost 42. I would love to be a mother though, and adoption is something that we’ve been considering, but still needs more research.

I would love to have a child, and I think I would be an OK mom, but I’ve never been one to think that if I don’t have a child, that my life is not complete. I’m not sure why I have never had that feeling, but I’ve also never had that – ‘the biological clock is ticking’ feeling. I AM a firm believer that what should happen, will.

In the meantime- I’m thrilled that three people that I know and love are expecting a little bundle of joy. I’m going to be a great auntie 🙂

My Gratitude List for May 8, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Great news from ‘home’.
  • Delicious, Zero fat – Greek Yogurt
  • Paperchase Products, which I love.
  • My fluffy dotted pj’s that I’ve kept on all day.
  • Soup days, which means no cooking.

Odd Weather

Filed under: Uncategorized — gardener @ 9:18 am

We are having the oddest weather today. Earlier the sun was shining, and in spite of the high winds, Marcel headed out to wash his car. I’d warned him that I had a feeling it was going to rain, but he assured me that it wasn’t, and off he went.

I made use of my free time, going through some surplus of various things and sorting them into ‘keep’, ‘toss’, ‘give away’ piles, which I left for Marcel to sort through, to see if he had ideas other than my own.

It wasn’t too long after that, that my friend Bobbi arrived, and just in time- as within the hour the bottom dropped out, and it was raining cats and dogs. Since then, we’ve gone through periods of sunshine and severe rains, but the one thing that has remained is the winds. If I were a betting kinda’ girl, I’d say they are probably close to 55 mph with gusts up to 70 or so.

Marcel is working tonight, and that means I’ll have some ‘home alone’ time. I have so many things that I’d like to do, and I’m going to see if I can’t get a few things scratched off my ‘to do’ list.

As I was typing this, I heard a rumble of thunder. Thinking that it may have started raining again, I looked behind me towards the window, and the sun is still shining. Guess more rain is headed our way.

May 7, 2009

Life Begins at ’40’

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:20 am

Y’all may remember me mentioning a while back that my parents are throwing my darling brother a 40th birthday bash later this month.   The theme of his party is… “Life begins at 40”, and even though Marcel and I won’t be able to be there- I’ve been doing the best that I can to help make this party a huge success.

Mom left the invitations up to me, and I was able to design invitations that I thought my brother would get a huge kick out of-   Earlier last week, mom sent out the invites, and sure enough, I received an email from my little bro letting me know how much he loved the invitations.

He probably thinks that the fun stops there. … ahhh he should know me much better than that-   Several days ago, I ordered a banner for mom to hang, and either later on today or tomorrow, I have plans to design a ‘special birthday T-Shirt’ that mom is going to insist that he wears.    It’s going to be this hilarious photo that I have of him in the center- with various color types and fonts with the number 40 all around.   He’s going to love it-

Mom has a few tricks up her sleeve as well, and this weekend I plan on writing a list of  ’40 things’  about my brother, that mom can read aloud to him at the bash.  I want them to be funny, so I’ve got to get the creative juices flowing.

I really wish we were going to be there, but we’ll definitely be there in spirit.

If I can get permission from my bro- I will share a few photos with y’all after the fact.  

Right now, I hear a rumbling in my tummy, which tells me it’s DINNER TIME!

My Gratitude List for May 7, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Being able to find the exact plant that my mom-in-law mentioned the other day- to give to her for Mother’s Day.
  • That in spite of the dark clouds- the rains have subsided.
  • A piece of sunshine in the mail- a letter from my friend Caroline.
  • Unexpected blessings.
  • An email from one of my favorite people with ultrasound photos, and photos of her expecting.  She’s almost 7 months.  I’m so excited. 

May 6, 2009

The Window To YOUR World.

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration — gardener @ 7:39 am

I’m eternally curious, much to the frustration of my parents, and some of my friends.

I often wonder, if we could peek inside the windows that represent the lives of others, what we would see? I also wonder what others would see if they had the opportunity to peek into my life- what my life says about me- what my actions and reactions project to others?

“Life is not a ‘brief candle.’ It is a splendid torch that must be made to burn as brightly as possible before it is handed on to the next generation.” -George B. Shaw

Some of you may have known my original blog- the title was “Let Your Light Shine”. It represents many things to me, but mostly it reminds me to ‘shine on’ in spite of what speedbumps or roadblocks life may send my way. There are times when in order to do that, I must retract, rethink and create a new game plan, and others when I rally around those I love the most, reaching out to them for their help and wisdom, aways knowing that even in those darkest days, there are good things happening.

Today, I was going through some old emails, and came across these words of ‘wiz’dom from Spark People.

Light is meant to be shared. If you try to hoard it or keep it covered, out of everyone’s sight, you’ll just end up smothering it. Try to close it in your fist so it doesn’t get away, and it burns you. You can’t possess light. All you can do is appreciate it, use it and help others use it, too. In the same way, your life is also meant to be shared. Many people look upon their lives as something that must be jealously protected and stowed away. They block out others and are afraid to share their time. What happens? Their spark suffocates. But there are others who have an abundance mentality. They believe, correctly so, that there’s plenty of life to go around, that all flames get brighter when we share them. They know that when we invest energy in others, we get even more in return. Don’t sacrifice your chance at a bonfire because you’re too busy trying to keep a tiny match from going out.


My Gratitude List for May 6, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The burn on my  hand this morning when I spilled coffee on it, not being much worse than it was.
  • “Home Alone” time.
  • Marcel coming to my ‘rescue’ when I spilled coffee on my hand.
  • Fresh Cod Fish for tonight’s dinner.
  • Shining lights.

May 5, 2009

Soda Drinkers Beware

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 10:58 am

I find this article to be common sense, considering the amount of calories that are in a serving of Soda, but I do know there are many people who just don’t consider liquids when they consider their calorie consumption.

I thought this article was definitely worth sharing- after all, education IS key.

Soda Drinkers, Beware

Studies now correlate an increase in certain health risks with soda consumption. For four years, researchers tracked the soda drinking habits of 50,000 women. When women went from drinking one regular soda drink a week to at least one a day, they gained an average of 10 pounds during the four year period. An increase in body weight was also seen when consuming fruit drinks, but not with diet soft drinks. In another study of 90,000 women, those who drank soda or fruit drinks daily had about twice the risk of developing diabetes compared with those who drank soda less than once a month.

Currently, the federal government is considering its first-ever warning that soft drinks can cause unhealthy weight gain. While soda sales have nearly doubled during the past 20 years, so has the percentage of obesity. Battle lines are being drawn and the debate is heating up.
Should a warning be issued concerning weight gain and soda consumption?
Should there be a ban on soda commercials during children’s television programs?
Should soda be eliminated at school?  (Currently the sale of soda helps fund many school activities.)

I’d love to know what YOU think-   This article courtesy of Sparkpeople.

May 3, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:27 am

I think I’ve finally become to a crossroads where my knee has begun to heal.  After spending several days in pain from what I considered to be ‘overdoing it’, the pain has subsided, and it appears as though my knee is on the road to recovery.   I’ll admit, that I haven’t been walking any  marathons, but aside from it being a bit sore, it seems to be closer to 100% than it has been in weeks.  

I still am not sure what the problem is, so I’ll definitely be making an appointment with my doc when he returns from vacation later this week.  There may be nothing they can do, but hopefully he’ll at least be able to give me an idea of what the problem could be.   I still suspect it’s a pinched nerve issue, but I’d like to hear from the professionals.  After all, my doctorate came out of a box of Cracker Jacks. heehee

In a moment, we’ll head to my mom-in-laws for Sunday dinner.   I’m sitting here sipping green tea, that I brewed myself, and I have to say, it’s delicious.  I’m a little picky about my green tea, and prefer to only drink Lipton, but each evening I allow two bags to steep with boiling water, add it to a 1 1/2 liter bottle with cold water, and leave it in the fridge until the following day.   Throughout the day, I drink the entire 1 1/2 liters-  then repeat aforementioned process for the following day.   It’s good, AND even more importantly, it’s good for me.   No sugar, no sweetners of any type- just pure green tea and water.     It’s my summer drink of choice.

Speaking of drinks of choice-  every now and then I indulge in a glass of Coke Zer0.  It’s ironic, because for years,  I wouldn’t go near any type of Cola drink.  I loved Mt. Dew, Dr. Pepper, Sprite etc, but Colas were not for me.  Now, when I drink a diet beverage, it’s Coke Zero.   Funny how things change.  

What is your drink of choice? and Why?

It’s about time to head to my mom-in-laws, so I had better wrap this up, before Marcel comes in here and starts rushing me.

My Gratitude List for May 3, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • My knee feeling much better than it has been.
  • Rainy day mornings which led me to lounge in bed longer than usual.
  • Biking 10 miles yesterday. YEAHH!
  • Early birthday present from my sister-in-law. (She couldn’t wait to give it to me.)
  • Fresh brewed, delicious, cold, Green Tea.

May 1, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:29 am


The above photo is a close up of some particular type of orchid, and the name eludes me. What struck me about these little beauties (aside the fact that they are yellow, one of my favorite colors), is that when I looked at them closely, the reminded me of something.

I wonder if you see what I see. What do they remind you of, if anything?

I’ll share my thoughts tomorrow.

My Gratitude list for May 1, 2009.
Today I’m Grateful For:

  • The pain in my knee being less than it was.
  • Another gorgeous day in the neighborhood.
  • Marcel, for making me laugh when I really don’t feel like it.
  • Time
  • Baby ducklings.
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