Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 14, 2009

30 Days to Greater Happiness

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 1:12 pm

I don’t know about y’all, but one thing is for sure, I’m happy to see the weekend. I didn’t work today, and was actually able to get a few things done around here, such as the house cleaned and a few emails answered. Now to get some letters written, and I’ll be happy, happy.

November 13- Be optimistic. A positive outlook is associated with better health, a longer life, and greater joy. When you look to the bright side and believe people are good, you directly increase your own happiness.

November 14- Exercise regularly. Physical activity produces “feel good chemicals” (endorphins) in the brain, which promote satisfaction and well-being. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise, most days of the week.

Not So Sweet Deal

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life — gardener @ 1:04 pm

In an effort to become ‘happier’ I bought myself some 72% pure chocolate today. I haven’t had any of it yet, but I did share some chocolate truffle pie with Marcel at a local cafe today. It wasn’t as sweet as it may have been had he not just received a ticket for 100.00 for parking without using the parking tag that we were supposed to put in our window. He thought about it 10 minutes after we’d parked, but because it was so busy in our town, the parking police were obviously out in droves and gave him a ticket. Now all we can do is pray that the ticket disappears and that we never receive it in the mail. One can hope, right?

November 12, 2009

30 Days to Greater Happiness

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 11:41 am

One would think that I should be able to keep up with something as simple as the 30 Days to Greater Happiness, but truth is, I’ve been snowed under with a few new projects and trying to meet a few deadlines by the end of the week. The good thing is, it’s almost Friday, which means the weekend is quickly approaching and I have a deadline for tomorrow and I’m almost done with it. Yippe! That’s something worth celebrating.

November 10-Simplify your life. Unburden yourself of possessions that lock you in the “rat
race” of earning more money to pay for more things you don’t really need. Spend time and resources on things that add real meaning to your life. (I Love this one)

November 11-Start a journal.Use it to record positive experiences and things you are
thankful for. Read your own words during times when you feel down to remember how fortunate you truly are.

November 12- Eat chocolate! Dark chocolate is healthy in moderation, but it can also increase well-being
and boost your mood. Savor a small piece to satisfy that craving.

November 9, 2009

30 Days to Greater Happiness

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 2:34 pm

I almost decided to wait until tomorrow and just do two of these again, but I figured while I had a little peace and quite in the household, it’s better to go ahead and share what I have for today, since we never know what tomorrow will bring. One thing I’m grateful for, is that my little doggie is sleeping and so is the cat, which means I may not be far behind them. For some reason or another I’m beat!

November 9- Savor every bite. Eat in a calm environment and use all of your senses to explore the texture, smell, appearance and flavor of your food. You’ll be more satisfied after every meal.

Staying Young

Filed under: Life,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 9:41 am

For those of you who know my mom, you also know that she looks great to be just over the age of 60. She doesn’t have any wrinkles and doesn’t use anti wrinkle cream, because truth is, she doesn’t need it. Even though I’m a little over 40 (20 years younger than mom), I also know that I look younger than my age. I can only hope that when I get to be moms age that I look as great as she does.

Many people think that the key to looking young is in the genes, but I also happen to believe that lifestyle plays a huge part in that. What do you think?

November 8, 2009

30 Days to Greater Happiness

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 2:50 am

I haven’t been on the computer too much this weekend, which is why y’all went yesterday without your daily dose of 30 days to Greater Happiness. Today, I’ll make up for it by giving y’all two days worth- what we missed yesterday, plus the one for today.

As for me, I’m going with two of my favorite guys to the park and spend some time running around and soaking up the sunshine.

November 6- Find meaningful work. The nature of your job isn’t as important as how you approach it. A positive attitude and a focus on the meaning behind your work makes it more rewarding.

November 7- Smile! Grinning, even if you don’t feel happy, releases seratonin in the brain, instantly lifts your mood and makes you feel better. Plus, smiling people are viewed as sincere, attractive, and social.

November 8- Make time for yourself. Persuing personal growth is just as important as spending time with others. Pencil in some ‘me’ time, even if it’s just a few minutes each day.

Sharing the News

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 2:41 am

I don’t know about y’all, but when the holidays roll around, I find that I don’t just think about gift ideas for people that I love, but when I come across things that I think my friends would benefit from, I want to share it with them. I have a friend who loves to travel, and she also happens to be expecting her first baby in January, and when I saw baby travel gear, I couldn’t help but think about her and how she could benefit from anything to make her traveling with the baby easier.

I’m excited for her and her husband and look forward to meeting baby Luca when he’s born. It won’t be that long now.

November 6, 2009

For the Holidays

Filed under: Holidays,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 10:22 am

Marcel and I were talking about Christmas today when we were on the way to the doc to get his stitches out and I made the suggestion that we do a few home improvements this year as opposed to buying each other Christmas gifts. Neither of us really need anything, and I saw some beautiful wooden blinds that I would love to have for our bedrooms.

We have shades but have been talking about wooden blinds for a long time, and I love the selection that I found. It meant that I could get the two colors that I wanted, one in a deeper wood color for our bedroom and a lighter color for the guest room. Then again, black may also work in the guest room, because I’m working on some film grain shots to hang in there for art, and the room will be black and white with a touch of red.

I think home improvements are a great idea instead of Christmas gifts, especially if you’re like us and don’t really need anything but have home improvments that you’d like to make. Definitely something to consider.

November 5, 2009

30 Days to Greater Happiness

Filed under: 30 Days To... — gardener @ 8:49 am

I bet y’all thought I wouldn’t get around to today’s edition of 30 Days to Greater Happiness. I am waiting for the rest of my work to come through, so I thought I’d make the best use of my time before I have to get busy again and then head off to the kitchen to start dinner. I also need to vacuum the floor so I’m unsure when all this stuff is going to get done, but I’ll get there.

In the meantime-

November 5- Take action. If you don’t like your job or other life circumstances, make a plan and take charge. You create of your own reality, and you can change your life if you’re unhappy. Start today!

This is a goody for sure! In other words, stop whining about what you don’t like and invest that energy into creating positive change!

Raining Cats and Dogs

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:45 am

It has been raining cats and dogs here for the past two days now and I hope that there is some dry weather in sight. Tomorrow is going to be a busy day with doctors appointments for both Marcel and JJ, which means that I’ve got to make sure that all of my work is done in the morning.

Right now, all is quiet in the house. Marcel decided to nap early because he wants to watch the soccer game tonight before going to work. I’m not sure if that’s going to make things easier for me or not. I guess we’ll see.

One thing is for sure, I’m in the mood to bake and want to get some banana bread made tomorrow even if I don’t indulge.

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