Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 22, 2010

All For a Reason

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 11:53 am

I was re-reading an article a little while ago that Martha Beck wrote that appeared in an “O” magazine back in 2008. The article is about time management and how that we often think that something is important just because it’s important to someone else. A particular quote from that article resonated with me when I read it for the first time in 2008, and yet I was reminded of that same quote when I read the article again today.

To live richly and avoid regret, we must give priority to things of real importance.

Now I know that each of us prioritize and compartmentalize things in different ways, so what may be important to me, may not even receive a second look from you. But what important is that we all realize that in order to make the most out of these beautiful lives we’ve been given, we need to really learn the difference in what really IS important and what may SEEM important but really isn’t.

The article goes on to say: Pay attention, and you’ll notice that even when you’re under “urgent” pressure to do something unimportant, it feels discordant and wrong. Do what really matters, and your life comes into harmonious alignment.. From there it gives information and tips on how you can prioritize your life and it works as long as you read the article, take notes and learn from it by applying the principals to your own life.

Even though I actually own the “O” magazine that this article was printed in, I actually received this article via email today from the “O” magazine mailing list. I hadn’t thought about that article in a while, nor had I practiced the principals, and believe me, my life shows it.

Do you think it was a coincidence that I received that article three days after recommitting myself to a work out routine and healthy eating and have been wondering how I’m going to find time to fit in work and exercise without having to get up at the crack of dawn? I can answer that one for you- Nothing is coincidence. There’s a reason for everything, and this was a reminder that I needed. I’m grateful that it came when it did.

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