Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

February 28, 2010

How Do I Spell Relief? V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N

Filed under: Sands of Time,Travel — gardener @ 11:33 am

There is so much going on right now that the one thing I think I need more than anything is a vacation. I had a great day yesterday with a baby shower for a friend of mine, given by another friend, but came home to find out that someone I love back home is in a drug induced coma due to having seizures. My first instinct was to fly back home for a while, but right now I’m just waiting to see what happens.

I need a break- from the stresses of everything, so that I can center myself and come back with a vengance. I think that a vacation fully away from everyone and everything may be the only way to do that.

Forget Calgon- I need a plane and a warm, sunny destination.

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