Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

October 23, 2010

Being Grateful

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:04 am

It has been one of those days and I find that when I am feeling this way- it’s best to focus even more on the things I’m grateful for in life. I know that we all have these days from time to time and the great thing is that tomorrow is another day.

Right now- (like every day)- I do have much to be grateful for- so I thought I’d share a few things.

My Gratitude List for October 23, 2010.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • In spite of being caught in a major traffic jam today on the Interstate and being an hour late getting JJ to the breeders, we still made it safely.
  • There being only a few short weeks until our vacation and I am SO ready.
  • Not having to cook tonight.
  • Notes from friends that make me smile.
  • Being loved and accepted no matter what.

October 22, 2010

Pasty White

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Life,Seasons — gardener @ 9:57 am

Marcel and I stopped at the gas station yesterday for a fill up when a girl passed by on a bike. She was pale, but then so am I. What surprised me was that Marcel said that she could use some indoor tanning lotions or something because she was so pale. I laughed, and looked at him and said, ‘Well what about me?’ His response was that my face wasn’t pale because I’d gotten some sun on it last week. I just shook my head. I wonder what he thought before last week? Men- you just gotta love em.

October 21, 2010

Mashed Potatoes

Filed under: Food — gardener @ 11:11 am

I made the BEST mashed potatoes tonight! I sauteed some onions with thyme- then added a little apple to the onion mixture. I pureed some potatoes with a little fat-free milk and then added the apple mixture to the potatoes. From there I sprinkled a few roasted walnut pieces and some freshly grated parmesean. DEE-LISH! That was comfort food at it’s finest. I had a few grilled shrimp and steamed green beans with it and I’m stuffed to the brim. MMM

October 20, 2010

My thoughts on Eat, Pray, Love

Filed under: Quotes- Soul Food,Things I Love — gardener @ 9:48 am

As I mentioned yesterday- Desere and I went to the movies last night to see the movie based on Liz Gilbert’s book entitled Eat, Pray, Love. I first heard of the book when Gibert was on Oprah and then again when I saw Julia Roberts (who played Liz Gilbert in the movie) on the Oprah show earlier this year. At that point I hadn’t read the book (and still haven’t), but yet I knew I wanted to see the film.

I knew what to expect going into the movie and had heard that some people didn’t like it and found it boring. I went in with an open mind and walked out smiling with a few tears streaming down my face. I was really tired when we went last night and I was afraid that I’d doze during the movie- especially since it was more than two hours long. That never happened. I yawned a few times, but not out of boredom.

If you are expecting a fast paced typical Hollywood film, then I’d say skip this movie, but you could be missing out on something special. I loved the movie and cried several times at some of the things that were said and found myself relating on so many levels. Not with my current relationship, but with relationships past. I believe it’s something that we can apply to all facets of our lives. This movie is based on one woman’s journey to find herself, but yet there is a piece of all of us wrapped up in this film.

“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.”
— Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)

Falling Out

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 9:31 am

I remember years ago when mom was having problems with hair loss. It went on for quite some time and she actually ended up going to the doctor about it before finally getting to the root (no pun intended) of the problem. The past week or so, I’ve noticed that when I wash my hair, I’m losing quite a bit each time and am hoping that it’s due to stress. If my body doesn’t straighten itself out, then I could end up trying to find some hair loss products that will maybe help keep it from continuing. Thankfully, I have very thick hair so it isn’t noticable, but I want to get it straight before it is.

October 19, 2010

New People

Filed under: Gratitude,Home,World — gardener @ 9:17 am

I love meeting new people.  I have always been one who loves to surround themselves with people (although I do enjoy quiet time as well), so when I meet someone new, it excites me.

This morning at Bible Study I met a girl from France.  I wasn’t sure where she was from at first, simply because her English was great, even though I could hear she had an accent.  I never would have pegged it as French.  She was very nice and upon talking to her a little more, she told me that her husband was American and that he is from Mississippi.   That alone had me almost screeching with joy- but then she told me he was from Jackson (4 hours from the coast- the place that I call home) and his name is Matt- (which happens to be the same as my brothers).    Needless to say, it was a great start to my day and I’m hoping that in time the two of us can possibly become friends.   She’s from Paris, and has offered to give me tips on places to visit next time I go.    It would be amazing to have an insiders suggestions.

So tell me something good that has happened to you today?

Guilty Pleasures

Filed under: Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 8:24 am

I recently ordered another (yes another) new handbag from one of my favorite sites and I can’t wait to start using it. I’ve been wanting a bright yellow bag all summer and the one I had my eye on went on sale for a price I couldn’t resist. In fact, there was sale on top of a sale and I caved. Between handbags and shoes womens, I could shop all day. I am better about ordering shoes online though since I know some brands fit differently than others. I’d say those two are my guilty pleasures. What’s yours?

October 18, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:52 am

I haven’t read the book Eat, Pray, Love but ever since I saw Julia Roberts on Oprah talking about her experience in taping the movie, I’ve wanted to see it.   In fact, I’ve wanted to read the book, but it is one of those that I haven’t bought yet and now that I’m going to see the movie, I may not end up buying it after all.   I’m weird in that sense.  Usually if I read the book, I may not see the movie.   If I watch the movie, I never seem to read the book afterwards. I’m not sure why that is.

Tomorrow night Desere and I are going to the movies to see Eat, Pray, Love and I’ll be sure to let y’all know what I think.  I’ve heard mixed reviews on it, but since I know what to expect going in, I can’t imagine it being a bad movie.   After all- it does contain eating, praying and loving-   How could anything with all that goodness be bad?

October 16, 2010

One Month

Filed under: Holidays,Travel — gardener @ 7:54 am

Today marks one month before Marcel and I head home for the holidays and as you can tell by some of my previous posts, I’m ready for the trip.   I love traveling and it’s even more special when I’m going to be spending time with family and friends.   I find myself in a festive mood and have spent most of the day so far today enjoying the weather and whipping up some things in the kitchen.  

I do want to sit in the sunshine, so I think I’ll make this short.   The daylight hours are getting shorter each day and it won’t be long before we’re setting our clocks back an hour.  It will give us a little extra daylight time, but not nearly enough.   I’m planning holiday parties and I’m getting excited about one that I’m doing for the young and old alike on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. It’s going to be fun planning games for the kids and coming up with prizes for them.  

Marcel told me this morning that he’s going to pull out his suitcase and start packing.  He’s so cute.   Even ” I ” haven’t started that- yet.

October 15, 2010

Movie List

Filed under: Favorite 15,Life,Things I Love — gardener @ 10:44 am

My friend Camille tagged me on Facebook to create a list of 15 movies that I love. It’s supposed to be things that pop into your head, not something that you think long and hard about-  In fact, it’s not supposed to take more than 15 minutes to complete.

I’m planning on sharing this on Facebook, but I thought it would be fun to share here in case someone wants to join and share their own Top 15 movies.    Mine are below- in no particular order.

My Favorite 15- (Movies)

  1. The Wizard of Oz
  2. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
  3. The Other Sister
  4. Dangerous Minds
  5. The Blindside
  6. Schindlers List
  7. Titanic
  8. Legends of the Fall
  9. Remember the Titans
  10. Steel Magnolias
  11. Pretty Woman
  12. Avatar
  13. Grease
  14. ET
  15. It’s a Wonderful Life

There you have it- the 15 movies right off the top of my head that I love.   I’d love to hear your favorites.

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