Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 11, 2011

Just What I Need

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Techy,Things I Love — gardener @ 3:31 pm

Since ‘Santa’ gave me a Kindle for Christmas, one of my favorite things to do is browse through the books that are available. A few nights ago I found a download that shows some good ab workouts for the bargain price of less than 2.00. Needless to say- I bought it on the spot and have been checking it out. Granted, I haven’t actually started using it yet, but I will be, and soon. I WILL kiss this last 40 pounds goodbye this year. It’s time to stop talking and start doing.

Sniffle Sniffle

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 3:25 pm

I woke up this morning with a case of the sniffles.   Thankfully, so far it hasn’t turned into anything other than a runny nose (not the first I’ve had this trip) and I hope that it doesn’t.   We have a lot to do in the next week and a half that we have left and I can’t afford to be sick.  

Thankfully we didn’t have much going on today so I’ve been able to rest and relax- although I did spend a little time outside cuddling with the kitties.   They are about the cutest thing ever and bring me so much joy.  I wish I could pack all three of them in my suitcase and take them home with me-  although I somehow think Mister M. would protest.   JJ, on the other hand would see it as three new playmates.

Goodbye Chocolate Cake

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 2:25 pm

This morning I said goodbye to the chocolate cake that I’ve been eating every chance I get since Saturday. My friend Natalie makes these fabulous cakes and she brought a huge triple chocolate creation to the gathering this past Saturday. There was some left over, and I’ve been eating it- and eating it- and yes- eating it.

Last night- I vowed that it would be my last piece and in spite of the serious urge to cut myself another piece, I haven’t. If I don’t watch it, I’m going to need to ask the question- is hoodia effective and try to find out because my clothes are going to start getting tighter. It’s time to get back on track again before I start packing on the pounds.

Goodbye Chocolate Cake- I’m going to miss you.

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