Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 23, 2011

Jet Lagged

Filed under: Life,Travel — gardener @ 6:54 am

Last night I slept from 1:30-3:30 a.m. and when I woke up, I was wide awake. This was not exactly my idea of a good nights rest and I ended up staying awake for several hours before falling asleep again. Now, I’m sleepy. In fact, to the point of wanting to take a nap right now, even though I know what I should do is take a bath and move around so that I can try to fall asleep tonight at a decent hour. Will that happen? I’m not sure yet.

Marcel started back to work again today and I’m hoping that things will be much less stressful for him this year than they were last. He should be transferring sometime in the near future to another department within the company- a move that he’s really looking forward to, so I hope it works out exactly as he hopes.

I have a list of things ‘to do’ a mile long, and where generally I would be stressing because I’m not getting them done the way I’d like- I feel quite the opposite. I figure things will get done when they get done- after all, they aren’t going anywhere.

Now, I think it’s time for a cup of coffee or something that will hopefully serve a two-fold purpose: 1- Warm me up and 2- Give me a little energy boost.

Lots of Catching Up to Do

Filed under: Life,Memories,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 6:50 am

When I ever get enough rest that I actually have something that resembles energy- I really have a lot that I would like to talk about on this blog and my others. While some of my friends are starting to think about prom dresses for their daughters, I’m thinking about the best way to train JJ so he will listen. It’s a huge contrast from my friends with children, but our children happen to have four legs instead of two.

Some people have asked me if it makes me feel as though I have less in common with some of my friends and personally I don’t remember ever feeling that way. It makes me sad sometime to think about getting old and being alone, but on the whole, I know my life is good and I have a great time spoiling other peoples children.

I wonder how some of my friends who don’t have children feel.

Going Through The Motions

Filed under: Life,Travel — gardener @ 6:33 am

It has been several days since I posted, mostly because I’m still trying to get over the jet lag of our flight home. I’m thrilled to report that our flights were not only on time, but also the jet stream must have been in our favor because our flight times were actually much shorter than usual. I absolutely loved that.

Unfortunately the jet lag has me feeling tired and worn out. I keep hoping that my sleep patterns will regulate but I guess maybe I’m expecting too much since it’s only been two days. I know it will come, but right now I seem to be going through the motions and not much more.

Male Bonding

Filed under: Home,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 5:34 am

While we were on vacation, I noticed that my brother and Marcel had one major thing in common amongst all the little things and that was the fact that they love cars and making them look their best. Now, when I say ‘making them look their best’ I don’t really mean keeping them clean and waxed, because that goes without saying. Instead, one should think on a deeper level and the fact that they both love adding features to the car that allows the car to be uniquely their own.

I loved listening to them talk about how they’d wanted to change this and that, plus my brother even took Marcel to a friend of diddy’s to show him the wood dashboard that he had ordered and installed in an old classic car that he’d found for a little bit of nothing and had been fixing it up here and there over the past year or so. It goes without saying that Marcel loved the look and one evening they spent hours pouring over a website that offers everything they could ever want to create the look they want, and I have to admit that even I was impressed with the prices and selection and we all know that my idea of a cool car is one that looks great and that drives well.

I was happy to see my brother and Marcel have that bonding experience and they even talked about possibly one of these days buying a car together and fixing it up. I would love to see how that would turn out, and who knows- I may find out sooner rather than later.

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