Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 27, 2011

Back on Track

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Life — gardener @ 8:46 am

I think I mentioned before- but while I was home I really didn’t think much about eating healthy. Ok, I guess saying that isn’t exactly true. I did think about it, and there were often times that I even acted on it, but there were also times that I did not. Since the numbers on the scales didn’t change in those two months- I’d say that its obvious I maintained, but probably because I was doing more physical activity than I had been before I left.

Now that I’m home- I’m eating more balanced meals and skipping the processed stuff and even though I’m extremely jet lagged, I am feeling better. I haven’t started exercising a lot yet- but that day is coming as soon as the jet lag is gone and I actually can spend more than two hours without wanting to sleep.

Things are getting better with the jet lag- so I know I’m on the right track to getting through it.

I’m making small changes now before I start exercising, so that once I do begin again- it won’t be some huge shock to my system that I’m trying to do too much at once. I know better than that. Baby steps-

I did get some VERY cool running shoes and even though I’ve used them to walk, I can’t wait to start using them regularly- I think it will encourage me to walk and / or run more knowing that when I wear them that it’s connected to my iPhone and tracking my progress.

I do have a blog for this journey- that I’ll begin writing in regularly once I fully get into the swing of things. You’ll be welcome to follow me there and join in the journey if you like-

More on that in days to come.

Interesting Thought

Filed under: Food for Thought,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 8:00 am

A few days ago I was browsing a book that I bought while at home and it was talking about how many more healthcare jobs there are out there because of the fact that so many of us are living unhealthy lifestyles. I don’t remember the exact statistics, but the risk groups we put ourselves in simply by being overweight is astounding to me. I have to wonder if we all decided to stop eating processed foods what kind of difference it would make in our lives and in our general health and visits to the doctor because of medical issues?

What do you think?

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