Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

June 14, 2011

Dreamin’ of London

Filed under: Things I Love,Travel,World — gardener @ 8:02 am

It looks like in the very near future that I may be planning a little vacation for Marcel, my parents and I to visit London.   I have never been and it’s something that I’ve always wanted to do,so I’m getting a little excited about the possibilties.

I’m thinking that it may be more cost effective to rent an apartment for all of us to stay in for the week, but yet  at this point I’m not sure-   There is still so much to be decided.

At the top of the list of things I would personally like to see-   A show- (Wicked preferably),    Harrod’s Department store,  Buckingham Palace,  The London Eye,  London Bridge, Big Ben, and the list goes on.

Anyone have any ‘must see or do’ suggestions?

This Little Piggy- (101 in 1001 Days)

Filed under: 101 in 1001 days,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 5:03 am


One of the things on my 101 Things in 1001 Days List  was to Save 100 in 2 Euro coins.  I wasn’t sure how long it would take me to complete this task, but I figured since I saw it on someone elses list and since I do have access to 2 Euro coins- why not?

The piggy to your left is the pig I’ve been saving them in and a few days ago I decided to pull the plug on the bottom and see just how much I had saved.  Imagine my surprise when it was over 100.     Marcel wanted to know what I was going to do with it- and I told him that I was going to save it.    

I’ve since moved the 100 to another container and left the excess in the little plastic pig.    Since another item on my list is to save 1 dollar a day for the 1001 days- this gives me a good start.    Once I have another 100-  I’ll move it to the other container and so forth until the 1001 days are completed.  

Originally I had an idea that I’d use the money to buy something extravagant for myself- but I’ve since realized something else that I can much better plan to use the money for.    I can’t really talk about that right now- but I’ll get back to y’all on that when the time comes.   After all- it can’t happen until I’ve checked it off my list.

There are other things that I need to check off of my list- so expect to see more updates in the near future.

June 12, 2011

One Week

Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 1:25 pm

Well I did it!   I made it through one week and batted 1000 with all the major goals I set for myself.     If it takes two weeks to create a habit- then I’m half way to habit status!  WOOHOO!  I’m all about celebrating the small things in life- so for this I celebrate!

I set a goal to stop eating after 8 and I didn’t- not once. 

I stuck to my calorie goals completely- and I charted everything I put in my mouth. 

I drank at least two liters of water a day.

Drank some apple cider vinegar each day.

I did forget my vitamin a few days, but I’ll improve on that this coming week.

I also set a goal to spend at least 20 minutes on the elliptical 5 days.   I did it for 6.   I would have made it 7 but I started my period and my cramps were too severe.    

I’m proud of me and I feel great about my accomplishments.    The things that are in ‘bold’ were goals that I was really focusing on, and next up comes more strength training and walking.   

Mind- Food- Exercise.   I’m staying conscious in everything and it makes such a difference.

June 8, 2011

Day Three

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Inspiration,Life,Uncategorized — gardener @ 11:52 am

Day three of healthy eating and life changing health habits and I’m feeling great.  Life is good!  I feel better than I have in a long time- and I leave myself wondering why I ever got out of the habit in the first place and why I gave up on making healthy choices-  After all- I owe it to my body and to me.

June 7, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 8:17 am

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately-   There has been much going on in this little world of mine.  Some things pleasant, others not-so-pleasant, but in the midst of everything, I’ve stopped focusing on the things I’m grateful for.   Even when I don’t write about it- I usually take a little time each day to think about the things in my life that I’m grateful for.    Often it is the little things that others may not even notice- and others it’s something big.     Regardless-  I have realized that I need to get back to ‘basics’ in many aspects of my life because it keeps me grounded and focused on the NOW.    

I can’t wave a magic wand and heal my friends who are struggling with various illnesses- or those whom they love.   I can’t change the fact that in spite of really wanting to move the perfect place hasn’t happened for us.   It’s a source of frustration for Marcel,but I believe things happen when they are supposed to happen.      There are countless things I can’t change, but what I can change is going back to taking a few moments out of each day and being grateful-

My Gratitude List for June 7, 2011.

Today I’m Grateful for:

  • Cool temps and early morning chats with my favorite (and only) brother.
  • Getting back on track not only with my exercise plan, but also tracking my food and calories.
  • Learning that it’s OK to shine.
  • The delicious flavors of fresh herbs.
  • The people who love me- love me for a reason.

June 4, 2011

Would You Like a Little Cheese with that Whine?

Filed under: Pets — gardener @ 11:52 am

As some of you know- my four-legged little canine has been sick with bronchitis and I’ll be the first to admit that when he was feeling  bad in the beginning- I was cooking him eggs and mixing them with his food because I thought it would go down easier and keep him from coughing as much.    I see now that was a HUGE mistake- because now said little canine, otherwise known as JJ doesn’t want to eat his food unless there is something mixed in with it.    Several days ago he went a day and a half without eating- now today- he’s eaten nothing, all while begging for food when I had dinner-   I didn’t indulge him and I know when he gets hungry- he’ll eat.

What I don’t understand- is what happened to my perfectly behaved little pup.   I’m not sure if it’s the medication or what- but if either Marcel or myself leave the house- he whimpers for what seems like FOREVER.   If he’s sleeping and I so much as move a muscle- he jumps up and starts whining-   He acts fine- and is full of energy, only he’s whining and I have no idea why.    One thing I do know- is that it’s driving me BONKERS!    Calgon take me away!

June 3, 2011


Filed under: Food,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 2:20 pm

Lately- I have been doing some serious emotional eating-    I know why-  I can think about it, recognize why I’m doing it- but yet I think about it and reocognize it while eating cupcakes, chocolate or a plethora of other things that I shouldn’t be eating on a regular basis.  

I am about to lose count of how many times I’ve wanted to ‘get back on track’ this year- and yet here I am- at the crossroads yet again.   Its about choices- and it’s time I really start getting serious making better choices and getting back to the healthy lifestyle that makes me and my body the happiest.

Stay tuned-    

Some may say I’ve failed- but one can not fail unless they give up- and that’s something I’ll never do.

June 1, 2011


Filed under: Food,Life,Seasons,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 7:16 am

  I love summer.   In fact, I guess you could say that I love ALL seasons for all that they bring to the table, but more and more I’m finding that summer is ranking amongst my favorite times of the year. 

You may wonder why-   As those Spring days are leaning towards Summer, I’ve found that the baby ducklings are coming into their own, and it won’t be long before they leave the nest and go about their own lives.   It’s the process of nature- and something about watching them grow from a duckling into a full-grown duck makes me smile.

Picnics-  I haven’t been on one in ages- unless you count us eating dinner outside on days like today- but when I see dinner ware like the one to your left-  how can you NOT want to go on a picnic?   In fact-  I’d rather eat on them all summer long- they are just THAT cute-     If only there was a Pier One just around the corner- I’d be highly tempted.     Then again- there’s always online shopping.    They would be really cute for my end of July tapas get together with some of my favorite people.

Fruit- Is there anything not to like about summer fruits?  BBQ’s and well- the list goes on-   Time at the beach, longer daylight hours and of course-  my birthday. (Didn’t think I’d leave that out did you?)  

So tell me- What are your favorite things about summer?

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