Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

January 26, 2014


Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 11:10 am

I think a lot about the little things in life I’m grateful for- and sometimes, they are the tiniest of things. I am grateful for SO much, and I really am blessed.

Today- these are the things I shared on Facebook.

Today’s bits of gratitude.

1- Confident women who encourage, inspire, and build each other up.

2- The laughter of children.

3- The power of a good gab session with one of your favorite people, evah- yes you SGV.

4- Choices, and their consequences.

5- Friendships that are like wearing your favorite, most comfortable sweater.

Back on Track

Filed under: Gratitude,Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 10:59 am

If you know me- then you know I’ve been struggling for a while to get back in the habit of a regular work-out routine, but that it was on my goal list for this year.

I am happy to report that not only am I back on track with exercising- I’m also back on track with my food as well. Granted, there is still room for improvement in both areas, but I’m happy that progress is being made, and I’m feeling stronger than ever.

I am not depriving myself of anything, and have been enjoying healthy choices, plus I’ve started eating a smidge of hemp in my morning oats, and after reading about the health benefits of various other seeds, I’ve been seeing if I can find apricot kernals here. It’s all a learning experience, but this is the year of good health, and in just a little amount of time- I’m already feeling stronger than I have been in a long time, both mentally and physically.

Yay me!

I Am Who I Am

Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 10:50 am

I was talking to a friend earlier this week about how important it is to have the ‘right’ people in your life, and that while sometimes friendships aren’t lifetime ones, they all serve their own purpose and life lesson.

I have never had that desire to be something that I’m not- I don’t need people to see or view me as anything other than I am, and how they perceive me, is entirely up to them. I am confident with who I am, and also the integrity in which I live my life, so I don’t need a high approval rating- in fact, I don’t need approval at all from anyone outside of me.

I surround myself with people who spark inspiration, who encourage and build up- and who find it as energizing as I do. We are all on our own path, and I’m not here to say my life path is better than anyone elses. We are all individuals, we all make choices, and all are by-products of those choices. One isn’t wrong and the other right- they are just different.

Like minded people gravitate towards each other, and it makes my soul sing to see people find their ‘tribe’, their inner-circle, their place in life. After all, isn’t that what everyone is looking for, only in varying degrees?

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