Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

November 6, 2012


Filed under: Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 6:38 am

 It has been a while since I shared a photo of Mister M. in this space- so I thought it was about time.

This was him earlier today and when I look at him- I can’t believe that he’s  7 years old.   SEVEN!  It seems like yesterday we were visiting him after his birth and picking him up to bring him home to live.    Now here we are- seven years later and I often wonder where the time has gone.

I’ve been thinking a lot about time lately-   Yesterday I celebrated my ten year anniversary in the place I now call home.   It’s been one of ups and downs- but a lot of learning and growing not only about myself, but about others.

Some of those life-lessons have been painful, but after walking through them- I have come out on the otherside with something valuable to apply to my life and to help me in this journey along the way.    I’ve  felt alone here at certain times throughout that ten years- but now I’m surrounded by a wonderful group of people that I adore and who I’m happy to have as a part of my inner circle and to call my family.

Along this ten year journey- I’ve learned so much and in that process it has meant letting go-   and learning that when I hold on to something that I should be letting go of- it keeps other doors from opening and other blessings from happening within my life.

It reminds me of something I heard T.D. Jakes say in a sermon recently-  “When people walk away from you- let them go.”    I’ve embraced that- and have done some walking myself.    And you know what?   It hasn’t been without pain, but there is always a rainbow after the rain.

November 1, 2012

19 Days

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Travel — gardener @ 12:10 pm

That could be the name of a song couldn’t it? I guess that popped into my mind when I typed the title because one of 3 Doors Down’s album was called 17 Days. It was also pretty great- but then I guess you could say I’m biased since they are from my home town.

The reality is 19 days is the time left before we head home for the holidays and I am EXCITED! I know- imagine that! I still have a lot to get done here before we head out- but once I am past this weekend’s cupcake madness- I should be home free with more time to get things done.

We’re already making plans and setting up little gatherings- and I can’t wait to see everyone and spend time with them. I’m looking forward to having coffee in the morning and watching the sun rise over the field- and hanging out with my brother, plus getting to know his girlfriend, whom I already really like! SO much to look forward to- 19 days and counting!

October 26, 2012

Love and Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 12:50 pm

Even though I haven’t been posting them here very often- I’m still keeping in line with the ‘attitude of gratitude’ by posting them daily on my Facebook page. I have to say that in spite of having days where I have a little stress or feel overwhelmed- my abundance cup runneth over.

I’ve got some amazing friends- and I’ve found that in letting so some of the things I was holding on to that I shouldn’t have been- it has allowed more beauty into my life- and opened up a world of possibilities. Love it when those things happen!

So today- I’m feeling grateful for the following things.

Friday’s bits of gratitude.

1- An absolutely gorgeous day.

2- Fresh clean sheets on the bed.

3- My little side-kick JJ, who follows me everywhere I go.

4- Finding gift certificates in my inbox.

5- Listening to my gut instinct.

Counting Down

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Shop til ya Drop — gardener @ 6:51 am

This morning I had a moment when I realized that we would be home for the holidays in less than a month. I can’t wait to see my family and friends back home that I haven’t seen in a while- plus taking a lot of joy in knowing that I’ll be spending Christmas with them. It also means that I’m really late with getting my Christmas shopping done- but I plan to look for a wide selection of perfume oils and other gift items when I get home- and hopefully get everything taken care of online- without having to fight too many crowds.

I’ll be shopping coupon codes and finding the best buys possible- and I know that if all goes well, I’ll have everything done in plenty of time for a lot of relaxation and fun leading up to Christmas.

October 20, 2012

One Month and Counting

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Travel — gardener @ 9:30 am

One month- I’m on the official countdown until our trip home. It goes without saying that we are extremely excited about it. Today we took care of the forms we needed to get done- and this coming week, I’ll get one of my passports renewed and we will be ready to go.

I still have a LOT to get done in this time frame, but it’s hard for me to believe that we are down to the final count. It seems like we haven’t been home in years- although I know that isn’t the case. Let’s get this party started!! The countdown has begun!!

Listening to my Body

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 4:30 am

The past week or so, I’ve noticed that my head is swimming with a gazillion thoughts. I have a lot going on and happening around me- and I felt when I stopped being able to focus on any one thing for any particular amount of time- that it was time to take a step back and just think of me. So- for the past couple of days-that’s exactly what I’ve done.

For a while, I considered taking sleeping aids- but read some ambien reviews and decided against it. I knew that my lack of sleep was coming from too many thoughts- and I just needed to forget about some things for a while.

Last night I slept better than I’ve slept in weeks- a sure sign that I really needed this break. Our bodies will tell us when we aren’t doing what we should be- and it’s up to us to listen.

October 17, 2012

Sounds of Silence

Filed under: Food for Thought,Gratitude,Inspiration,Life — gardener @ 7:22 am

Do you remember that song from the 70’s- the Sounds of Silence? That is the theme song for my day today. Marcel is working until ten this evening, which has afforded me the opportunity to get some things done around here- plus it has also afforded me some quiet time with none other than me, myself and I, something I definitely needed.

I was thinking the other day about how I stay ‘so’ plugged-in all the time that it is no wonder that my mind is constantly spinning- sometimes as though it’s out of control. I don’t really know how to explain it other than to say that my head always seems ‘full’ of some thought, idea or ‘thing’- but it’s a sure sign that I need to unplug totally for a couple of days and empty the thoughts- enjoying the silence.

I’ve been reading a lot about planning and goal making- and the importance of being able to visualize instead of just having things floating around in your head. (I tend to do this) So, I’m making a bigger effort to schedule everything and I do mean everything. It’s going to be a hard one for me, but I know it’s necessary, as the scheduling in my mind isn’t working as well as I’d like- because it’s too easy to get distracted and off the path.

Since I know that when something isn’t working exactly as we would like- we have the power to change it- I’m going to do just that! I really like being a ‘go with the flow’ kind of girl- but I’m realizing that it just can’t work in all aspects of life. That’s what life is about though- living and learning. I’m always finding something new to learn- and this is another good lesson to apply to my life.

What good life lessons have you learned lately?

October 12, 2012

On the Running Trail

Filed under: 5k Training,Health/ Fitness,Holidays,Home,Inspiration — gardener @ 2:31 pm

20121012-232605.jpg I don’t know how many of you who read this space are aware of this, but I have a goal of running my first 5k when I’m home for the holidays this year. It has been on my radar since our last trip home and even more so now.

In preparation, I’ve been running some and walking almost daily. Where I’m at right now is about 4 miles daily- sometimes more. It feels good, and on the days that I can’t- like today, I can tell.

The good thing is, my body far more capable than my mind says. My limits are few and I plan to break through more and more of them.

Winding Down

Filed under: Holidays,Home,Life,Shop til ya Drop,Things I Love — gardener @ 2:23 pm

It has been a busy week and we are tapping on the heels of a busy weekend with Marcel’s birthday celebration this weekend.

Once it has passed, I plan to actually unplug for a few days, with the exception of Pinterest and a few other little things.

Is everyone a member? If you aren’t you are missing out. I find the best ideas there for baking and cooking, but also things like making classroom furniture look more hip and trendy, plus making the most amazing things out of what others would consider trash.

I’m getting some ideas for Christmas projects started. I can’t wait!!

October 7, 2012

ME Day

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 8:04 am

It seems like forever since I’ve written here- but truth is- I have just been out enjoying life and spending my time doing other things. This time of the year- when the weather is gorgeous like today- I just find myself itching to be out and about. I did promise myself though, that I would take today and rest- just spend the day doing exactly what I wanted to do- when I wanted to do it, so here I sit- basking in the sunshine and tapping out a few words on the computer.

I’ve caught up with most of my emails- worked on some business goals for next year- and even done a tiny bit of work (key word tiny)- Dinner tonight is leftover soup, so I don’t have to cook- and truth is- I’m still in my PJ’s- it’s one of those kind of days- Perfect and blissful.

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