Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

July 21, 2009

A Challenge…

Filed under: Inspiration — gardener @ 7:13 am

“Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, can not keep it from themselves.”

I love this quote- and it was in a book about friendship that a dear friend sent me for my birthday. I’ve heard it before, but it brought a smile to my face to find it in that particular book. Little things like that bring joy to my soul.

It also brings me to the challenge I present to you- See if you can’t bring sunshine into the life of someone you know- or maybe even someone you don’t. You don’t have to share it with me, although I’d love it if you did.

We all have a light within- it’s up to us to let that light shine!

July 20, 2009

Here We Go..

Filed under: Life,photography — gardener @ 7:26 am

I wrote a while back that Marcel was planning to stop smoking once he was finished with school, and once Samatha’s visit had come and gone.   As you know, both have transpired, and this morning he had an appointment with the doctor about his plans to stop.

The doctor was supportive and enthusiastic, and gave him some medication that hopefully will help him stop once and for all.   I have a feeling that I’m going to need alot of patience during this endevour, because already Marcel is prickly and grumpy and his stop date isn’t for two weeks from now.

I know he can do it, I just hope he’ll believe in himself and make the changes.  I know his body will be grateful, and so will I, even though he doesn’t smoke near me, because I’m allergic.

Say a prayer for me that I can keep my big mouth shut when he gets grumpy, and just accept that it’s all part of the process. Say a prayer for us both, pretty please- I have a feeling we’ll both need it.

July 18, 2009

Coming Up in The Weeks Ahead

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 10:26 am

In the coming weeks, I’m going to be making some changes in ‘this’ house and the others that I also own. I’m going to be creating certain ‘features’ for each place, and having those on a regular basis, along with contests and other ‘fun’ and often educational things.

It’s going to take a little while, but expect something new in the next few weeks, and from there it only gets better.

Life is good my friends, life is good.

My Gratitude List for July 18, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Jillian Michaels, and her “Master Your Metabolism” book.
  • The little things, that add up to ‘big’ things.
  • New discoveries and ideas.
  • The sound of rain tapping on my window.
  • Fresh, ripe strawberries.

Learning Curve

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 10:22 am

Yesterday I started reading Jillian Michaels new book called, “Master Your Metabolism”, and so far I’m loving it. Granted, I’m only about a 1/3 of the way through it, but already there are SO many things that I’m relating to, and I’m curious to see how this plan is going to help not only my metabolism, but my hormone levels.

The book even says that hormones being out of whack can cause break-outs, which I was happy to read, because I’ve been considering acne treatments to get rid of these occasional break-outs I’ve been having. I definitely don’t think someone my age should be having them, so I’m curious to see what the book is going to offer that will possibly help with this little issue. Plus, once I get things in sync with my body, I may actually be able to drop the rest of this weight easier than it has been the last couple of months.

I’m learning so much and can’t wait to learn more and apply it to my life.


Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life — gardener @ 10:18 am

Ever have those days when you feel exausted even when you’ve done nothing to get exausted from? That’s me today! I haven’t done anything much at all today other than resting but yet I feel exausted. I keep telling myself it’s this cold I have, and it’s taking a toll, but I don’t do ‘sick’ very well. This morning I was practically jumping up and down because I was feeling much better- now, is another story.

I’ve been taking Zycam, and it seems to be helping, but obviously I’m expecting big things. I just want this stuff to be OVAHHH. I know- whine, whine, whine. That’s how I feel.

Oops, They Did It Again…

Filed under: In the Neighborhood — gardener @ 10:15 am

The beavers have done it again! They’ve dammed up the pond near my parents home and are causing all sorts of problems, which includes the threat of washing out the bridge the pond sits near. They do it every year. I’m fairly certain it’s the same ones, since I haven’t heard any tales of them getting ‘rid’ of the beavers, but as destructive as they can be, I can’t help but think about how cute they are.

I made the suggestion that they use pond pumps to see if that would help with the water levels, but my dad says it won’t. Obviously he knows much more about these things than I do, but I DO think they are adorable. I probably wouldn’t feel like that if they were causing problems in my neighborhood, but since they aren’t….

July 17, 2009


Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 7:25 am

Even though I’ve been eating well for the most part, I’ve noticed that I’ve started making more exceptions than I should have with certain foods, and I’ve also been a little more lax with my work outs. The results have been an extremely slow downward movement on the scales, and the past few weeks, no movement at all.

I want to reach my goal this year, and my choices aren’t working to help me get to that point- so I’m recommitting myself to my program and to the process. Personally, I believe that we have to do that from time to time- remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing, and check ourselves for lack of better terminology.

I know that statistically 90% of people who lose weight gain it back and then some on the long term, and since I like to be part of the minorty instead of the majority, I plan to fall in the 10% that DOESN’T gain the weight back, which is going to mean understanding this way of life and keeping myself in check.

If you’d like to join me on this continued journey of a new lifestyle, please feel free. The more the merrier, and we can only benefit- each and every one of us.

Back to School?

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 6:33 am

For a while I’ve been considering going back to school, and have been researching where I think would be the best place to get an online MBA. Since I would prefer to stay home, I wanted to make sure that I could find a University which offered the same program online as they do on their campus, and I found exactly that with University of Scranton.

It not only is 100% online accredited by the AACSB MBA program, but it’s also rated in the top 15 by The Princeton Review. I’ve been reading up on their application and entrance process, and everything is self explanitory and simple to understand. Interaction with professors is made simple through email, chat and online discussion threads, which will make answering any questions easy.

When completed, I’d have the same degree as anyone completing the same degree on campus, and that’s a definite plus in my eyes. This very well may be the school for me.

July 16, 2009


Filed under: Gratitude,Inspiration — gardener @ 6:42 am

In spite of waking up this morning with a little allergy / sinus thing going on, I feel good. 

Since Samantha left, I’ve been spending a little time reflecting about the people in my life, and what they mean to me.    Gone are most of the negative people-  you know the ones, the weeds in our proverbial garden of life.   I’ve weeded most of them, and what few remain are contained in a corner.  Slowly but surely, they’ll eventually be gone as well.  

It isn’t that I don’t care about them, but there are some people that rob us of our energy and who don’t seem to respect the boundries that we set, and I’ve learned in the past couple of years that I’m not obligated to share my life with people that I really don’t want to share my life with- so I’m not.

I’ m grateful for all the wonderful people in my life.  I’ve been blessed with many wonderful friends, and people who have re-entered my life from the past who have also brought so much joy to me.    I’m grateful for the friends that I’ve made over the past years, some of which I haven’t had the opportunity to meet in person, but I know that one day I will.

Perspective is everything… I’ve realized recently that I need to spend time focusing on what matters, and letting go of the things that don’t.   As difficult as that is, and I’m still learning to do that-  I already see a difference in life. 

I’m content… Does it mean that I don’t have goals and ambitions?  Certainly not- but it means that I’m happy at this place I am in life, and the future only gets brighter from here folks.

My Gratitude List for July 16, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Contentment, and all that it embodies.
  • Eva and Erik for being an example to many of what love is-  I’m honored to count them amongst my friends.
  • Ice cold green tea.
  • Film Grain phases.
  • Cajun Shrimp nail polish.

July 15, 2009

Ahhh Coffee-

Filed under: Gratitude,Life — gardener @ 6:54 am

Did I mention that I’m dragging today? I am. I am craving sugar and have found myself scouring through the kitchen cabinets on several occasions today looking to see what I could find.

I did find several Belgian chocolate bars that I brought back for Marcel, all of which remain unopened. I DO want to open them, but I know that if I don’t cut out the sugar sometime or another, this craving will continue. I am determined not to give in. It’s amazing how something that I KNOW is bad for me, has me itching for more. I wonder if this is how a drug addict feels?

Hello, I’m Lori, and I’m a sugar addict. I admit it- It’s true.

Tomorrow night is my annual birthday dinner with Hein and Desere. I won’t be partaking in anything with sugar- as much as I may want to. Not even the cookie served with my coffee. I don’t need it anyway.

Speaking of coffee- I just poured myself a huge cup of Illy in hopes of feeling a little less sluggish after this cup. If that doesn’t help, there’s another in there waiting.

Later this afternoon, I’m going to spend some time with Desere. She got home from her family vacation in Greece yesterday and I’m looking forward to catching up with her.

My Gratitude List for July 15, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Fresh brewed Illy coffee, my favorite.
  • Late night rain storms that lull me into a deep sleep.
  • Facebook and all the wonderful people it has reunited me with.
  • Times spent with friends.
  • Birthday love.
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