Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 17, 2010

Days Like These

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 4:00 am

I’m sitting here sideways on my sofa with the laptop in my lap and enjoying the peace and quiet of the day. It’s cool out- a sure sign that fall is around the corner, and I find myself craving delicious soups. I need to do some research on hgh and a few other things that I’ve been wanting to learn about, but instead, I’d rather take a walk with JJ and enjoy the solitude of the day. I love days like this.

September 16, 2010

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,photography — gardener @ 5:00 am


For those of you who read my other blog- you know that last Sunday I roasted a pumpkin.   I decided that it may be fun to keep the seeds and try to roast them, so I looked up a recipe online and decided to give it a try.

The recipe was pretty simple. 

Rinse the seeds and make sure the pulp was gone (boy are those seeds slimy little suckers),   mix them with a little oil and salt, roast in the oven at about 325 making sure that you stir every little while.

I decided to add a little salt, pepper and granulated garlic just to see what it would taste like and I have to say that at one point I was wondering if it was ever going to start ‘roasting’.   It seemed like a slimy mess, but after about a half hour I was satisfied with the way they looked and removed them from the oven.   I wasn’t sure how they would taste and I was prepared to shell them, because that’s how I’ve always eaten pumpkin seeds, but these shells were so tender that you could just pop them in your mouth and enjoy.    There weren’t that many but I’ve been munching on them here and there. and I love them.    The plus side is that they’re also great for you.

Marcel didn’t care for them, but when I get another pumpkin, you can be sure that I’ll be roasting those seeds as well.   I have them stored in an airtight container and they’re staying crispy.  You should try some if you find yourself with a bunch of pumpkin seeds.

Breakfast of Champions

Filed under: Food,Health/ Fitness,Home,photography,Things I Love — gardener @ 4:48 am

In case you ever wondered what my breakfast looks like each morning-    I know that it definitely doesn’t look very appetizing, but I can assure you that it is.  In addition, it’s also healthy.  You may be asking yourself what it is, and in case you’re stopping by this little spot for the first time and don’t know about my love affair with this product- I’ll tell you what it is- steel-cut oats.   These little gems aren’t to be confused with regular oats, which taste different.  In fact, I only like rolled oats in cookies and muffins, but steel-cut is a horse of an entirely different color.

This is how I eat them every morning-   With a little cinnamon, a little fat-free milk and the white stuff on top is a French Vanilla Splenda stick.   Generally the package says they are for coffee, but one little stick is perfect for oats.     MMMmm MmmmM goodness.

What do you eat for breakfast?  Do you tend to eat the same thing daily or do you switch it up to have a little variety?

One Step at a Time

Filed under: Health/ Fitness — gardener @ 4:43 am

I’ve been wobbling back and forth on the health bandwagon for a little while and probably the one thing that has been making a difference in the scales going down is that I tend to want to eat at night. I promised myself that starting today that I would not eat after dinner and I’m going to stick to that. I’m determined to get the rest of this weight off and I don’t want to use weightlosstablets to do it. Rather than trying to do everything at once, I’m starting with that and will start adding other things to the mix as the days go on- like making sure I get more protein and adding more exercise.

September 15, 2010

Favorite Places

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:12 am

This is one of my favorite places in the world-  The beach.   I took this with my phone this past Sunday when we were at the beach with friends.   The weather was perfect, and I could have stayed there all day.

Mood Lifters

Filed under: Life,Seasons — gardener @ 11:10 am

As I mentioned in the last entry- I happen to love the cooler temperatures of this time of the year. It’s a mood lifter for me and while some people may decide to use hgh releasers, I tend to take a walk outside in the sunshine and it is a day brightener. Last Sunday I roasted some pumpkin and it has been stored in one cup measurements and put into the freezer. I’ll use it the entire fall and winter season for baking. That, my friends, makes me smile.

Cooler Days

Filed under: Baby JJ,Seasons — gardener @ 11:08 am

When I went out with JJ this morning, I noticed a definite coolness in the air. I will admit that it made me smile and combined with the winds it was actually chilly. The sun was shining, the humidity low and I would have loved to spent the entire day outside sitting in the sunshine. Unfortunately there was dinner to be cooked and work to be done so I had to settle with the 45 minutes that I was out walking the dog.

Sometime later the clouds rolled in and I just got caught in a rain storm about a half mile from home where Marcel and I were playing ball with JJ. He really is such a funny dog. He doesn’t realize that he’s a little guy and some of his best playmates are a rottweiler, a german shepard and an irish setter. He never sees the size difference and I bet it he could talk, he’d tell you that he’s the same size as they are.

The Light is Out

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 11:00 am

I will be the first person to say that I have not been doing well with my eating and exercising. I will do fabulous for several days and then it’s as though the light goes out and I eat everything in sight. Thankfully, I’m maintaining my weight, but it isn’t how a girl can shed those last pounds that I so want to get rid of. In addition, I’ve been getting emails about over the counter diet pills that work and even though I’m sure there are some that do work, I have to say that I know I need to get my head back in the game. I’ve had something brewing for a while- and I guess it’s time to stop brewing and start acting.

September 13, 2010

Smiles, Everyone Smiles

Filed under: Life,Memories,photography — gardener @ 10:56 am

  I was extremely busy this weekend but it was one of those ‘fun’ kinds of being busy.    I spent the day in a nearby city with some great friends on Saturday and then Saturday evening the ‘party’ moved to our home and included a visit from friends from out of town.    The guys went to the movies and that left us girls to goof off and have a great time.  We didn’t have any problems doing that.

While I was walking through the city with my friend Kimmie, we came across this couple who had just gotten married and were dancing in the streets.  The crowds gathered around the happy couple and even though you can’t see it in the picture; the bride is very pregnant.    The house they are dancing in front of is their own, and several seconds after I’d taken the picture a friend came out of their home with a pair of flat shoes to replace the stilettos that I was unsure how she was walking in- much less dancing.

I couldn’t decide whether to take a picture- mostly becasue I didn’t want anyone chasing me down the street, but in the end, I did.   Seeing them so happy brought a great deal of joy to my soul and at one point my friend Kimmie asked if I was going to start crying (obviously she knows me well) .   My answer was that I may and if we had stood there much longer, I have no doubt that the tears would have started falling.

I love seeing people happy and this was a joyous day for this beautiful couple.  I hope they have a wonderful life together.

September 12, 2010

Coming Soon

Filed under: Life — gardener @ 3:45 am

I haven’t had much time to write this weekend and unfortunately today isn’t any different. I’m headed out the door again but I have lots to talk about, so expect to hear more from me either later this evening or tomorrow. I’ve started a new YouTube channel that will feature the occasional video of JJ and Mister M. and who knows what else.

More on that later, along with the link to check it out. Right now, it’s time to dash. I hear a cup of coffee calling my name at the beach. Our friends await.

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