Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 9, 2010

The Brain Game- Always Fascinating

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Memories — gardener @ 11:24 am

I was thinking earlier about how amazing the human mind is.   There are times when I’ll be talking to my friend Samantha or someone who has known me for equally as long and they’ll bring up something that happened in the past.   Sometimes I’ll remember the moment and other times I won’t, or maybe I’ll remember it in a completely different way.  

It’s funny how things that we haven’t thought about in years will suddenly pop into the forefront of our mind- like me remembering when my mom turned 30 (I was 10) and thinking (and possibly even telling her) that 30 was old.   Now, at 43 I can’t imagine ever thinking that 30 was old.  In fact, I don’t even see 60 as old anymore.  100 is what I consider to be old these days.    Yet, I still find it amazing that I would even remember such a tiny event in my life and wonder what caused me to hold on to that memory.  

Have you ever wondered what makes us remember some small events, while completely forgetting others?   I wonder how the brain categorizes those moments and how it determines what stays and what goes.  I’ll forever remain fascinated at our bodies and how they work.

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