Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 17, 2010

True Callings

Filed under: Food for Thought,Inspiration — gardener @ 4:18 am

I found this in my email this morning from “The Daily Love” and it happened to be something that I needed to hear today. I don’t believe there are accidents in life and this was yet another confirmation of that fact.

A friend asked me yesterday if I was ok. When she asked me that I paused, because I wasn’t sure what she meant, so I asked her. She said that I didn’t seem as ‘happy’ as usual. Before I answered her, I decided to think about that for a moment and I found that I’m not ‘unhappy’ but yet there has been so much going on around me that has tapped into my emotions that I’ve often not had anything left over for the things that bring me joy. It’s time to start tapping into that joy again- those things that make me happy and being creative is one of those things.

Life ends not when you die, but when you stop believing in your true calling. Your true calling isn’t something your friends, parents or lovers want you to become. Your true calling isn’t living vicariously through someone else. And most certainly your true calling isn’t working just to “make a living” and “get by”.

Your true calling is that soft voice within you urging to be creative. Your true calling is the visions of a better life that you have. Your true calling is your Creator whispering to you who you really are.

One day we will all breathe our last breath. The only difference between those of us who will live a fulfilled life in the flow of their true calling and those of us who don’t is this: know that you are already dead, die to your fear and give up everything except what whispers to you in the quiet hours.

Follow your vision, do what makes you happy – it is your birthright to live in joy. But it is 100% your choice whether you do or not.

Say no to your fear. Live your true calling. Set sail and don’t look back.

Doctor Doctor

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 4:13 am

I think I’ve finally decided that I’m going to have to go to the dermatologist about my skin. I’ve been having breakouts for quite some time now and it will clear up only to turn around and break out again. I’m not doing anything crazy- I’m getting enough water and not eating horribly. I’m fairly certain that it’s hormonal and I am hoping there is something that can be done about it.

The crazy thing is that I was emailing with an old high school friend the other day and she was wanting to know where to get the best anti wrinkle cream and here I am wanting to know how to keep my face from breaking out. She has perfect skin, but yet she does have a few wrinkles and yet my skin has little blemishes here and there and there isn’t a wrinkle in sight. Isn’t that odd?


Filed under: Food for Thought,Life,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 4:08 am

I have several friends who have felt very alone lately and have retreated within themselves. One in particular that I’ve known most of my life is struggling and yet I can’t reach her. I’ve offered an ear, and yet no matter how much I encourage and try to share with her the value that she has as a human being simply because she’s alive- she doesn’t see it.

I know what it’s like to feel alone. There are times when I feel that way and honestly times when I would prefer to be alone. I need the balance. I adore people and love being around them but yet sometimes I need to spend time with myself and the thoughts that dwell within.

Another great friend that I know online wrote something that I read yesterday and I couldn’t help but smile. He’s an amazing writer and he wrote about how he’s sick of so many things. He put it all out there and he also wrote that he just needs to get it out, so that he can continue to move forward. That’s what I do. I’m a sensitive soul and sometimes things really bother me. I spew it to someone and then find a way to process and accept things for what they are and move forward. I’ve learned that moving backwards serves absolutely no purpose.

I’m not sure if the friends I mentioned read this. They could, but I don’t know. What I do know is that if I could use a magic wand and take their pains and struggles away I would, but it doesn’t work that way. I can be a friend. I can offer suggestions and even be there to listen, but to regain your self worth and see your true value to yourself and to others- you’re going to have to do the legwork. Just remember- in spite of what you may think. You are never alone.

Days Like These

Filed under: Home,Life — gardener @ 4:00 am

I’m sitting here sideways on my sofa with the laptop in my lap and enjoying the peace and quiet of the day. It’s cool out- a sure sign that fall is around the corner, and I find myself craving delicious soups. I need to do some research on hgh and a few other things that I’ve been wanting to learn about, but instead, I’d rather take a walk with JJ and enjoy the solitude of the day. I love days like this.

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