Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

September 15, 2010

Favorite Places

Filed under: In the Neighborhood,Things I Love — gardener @ 11:12 am

This is one of my favorite places in the world-  The beach.   I took this with my phone this past Sunday when we were at the beach with friends.   The weather was perfect, and I could have stayed there all day.

Mood Lifters

Filed under: Life,Seasons — gardener @ 11:10 am

As I mentioned in the last entry- I happen to love the cooler temperatures of this time of the year. It’s a mood lifter for me and while some people may decide to use hgh releasers, I tend to take a walk outside in the sunshine and it is a day brightener. Last Sunday I roasted some pumpkin and it has been stored in one cup measurements and put into the freezer. I’ll use it the entire fall and winter season for baking. That, my friends, makes me smile.

Cooler Days

Filed under: Baby JJ,Seasons — gardener @ 11:08 am

When I went out with JJ this morning, I noticed a definite coolness in the air. I will admit that it made me smile and combined with the winds it was actually chilly. The sun was shining, the humidity low and I would have loved to spent the entire day outside sitting in the sunshine. Unfortunately there was dinner to be cooked and work to be done so I had to settle with the 45 minutes that I was out walking the dog.

Sometime later the clouds rolled in and I just got caught in a rain storm about a half mile from home where Marcel and I were playing ball with JJ. He really is such a funny dog. He doesn’t realize that he’s a little guy and some of his best playmates are a rottweiler, a german shepard and an irish setter. He never sees the size difference and I bet it he could talk, he’d tell you that he’s the same size as they are.

The Light is Out

Filed under: Health/ Fitness,Life's Little Hiccups — gardener @ 11:00 am

I will be the first person to say that I have not been doing well with my eating and exercising. I will do fabulous for several days and then it’s as though the light goes out and I eat everything in sight. Thankfully, I’m maintaining my weight, but it isn’t how a girl can shed those last pounds that I so want to get rid of. In addition, I’ve been getting emails about over the counter diet pills that work and even though I’m sure there are some that do work, I have to say that I know I need to get my head back in the game. I’ve had something brewing for a while- and I guess it’s time to stop brewing and start acting.

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