Through The Tulips Words of 'Wiz'dom

April 3, 2009

Friday Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 3:31 pm

Ahhh weekend! I’m so excited that we’re heading into the weekend that I know is going to be a great one. Marcel has gone to bed early again tonight, because once again he needs to be up early for work. Hopefully, I’ll be in bed a little earler than last night, because I still have a few things to do around here.

Mr. Weatherman says it’s going to rain tomorrow, which may mean no time to play outside, but I am hoping to get out to the Black Market and pick up some raw almonds and dried cranberries. Guess we’ll see what the day brings.

Marcel and I enjoyed another afternoon of simply fabulous weather. For the second night in a row, we had dinner outside, and probably will tomorrow as welll, if the rains hold off.

Since I do need to try to get to bed earlier, I should keep this short tonight. I’m ready to catch up on my beauty sleep.

My Gratitude List for April 3, 2009.

Today I’m Grateful For:

  • Coffee with Desere.
  • Eating dinner outside, instead of in.
  • My new IPhone.
  • wi-fi internet.
  • Comfy mattresses.

Expressing Everyday Gratitude

Filed under: Gratitude — gardener @ 3:39 am

As you know, on my old Wizardress journal at JS, I started keeping a gratitude journal- a list of five things that I’m particularly grateful for, for that particular day.  Some days, it’s tiny things, and other days, it’s something much larger.   It isn’t about what is on the list, but the fact that there IS a list to begin with.

The world is filled with such pain and often negativity that it can be overwhelming.   There are times when I have it in my own life as well.  I’m not always successful, but I do try to live a life of gratitude, and recognize that I do have so much to be grateful for, even in the most trying of times.   We all do.  It depends on what you choose to focus on. 

I don’t have alot of time this morning because I’m trying to get all my household things done so I can get outside and play, but I did want to share with you the following, that I received from Sparkpeople. I loved it- and hope it will serve as a reminder not only to me, but possibly to you as well.

When eating a fruit, think of the person who planted the tree.
– Vietnamese saying

Expressing everyday gratitude

How often do you remember the people that have made little things possible for you? It’s easy to take our privileges for granted. Today, be more aware of your surroundings–everything from your shirt, house, food, and car–and who has made them possible for you. Who has made it possible for you to experience such wonderful things? One way to let someone know that you truly appreciate their efforts is to send them a quick note or return the kindness in your own way.

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